take it easy

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italics - song lyrics



Walking into the kitchen, you were looking for f/s for your dance marathon of the week.

Once a week, every week, you would have a separate dance party in your room with Wanda and Natasha but they were both gone on two separate missions with Sam, Tony and Vision leaving you, Bucky, Steve, and Clint alone in the tower.

Passing the common area, you saw the boys except Clint playing a game of monopoly and what looks like...fighting?

"BUCKY GIVE ME MY $50 BACK NOW!" Steve yelled pretty damn loudly while on top of Bucky trying to grab the money back.

"NO I GOT IT FAIR AND SQUARE, YOU LANDED IN MY PROPERTY STEVEN!" Bucky yelled back while holding Steve back with one hand and holding the money in the other. They were both pretty damn close to the fact that they're faces were inches away from each other.

"Ahem...are you guys gonna kiss next?" you asked trying to get they're attention.

They both quickly pushed each other away and turned to you smiling a stupid smile they both shared and waved hello. You rolled your eyes and went to the kitchen when Steve snatched the money out of Bucky's hands but to you didn't see it because he took it from behind his back.

You grabbed your propel fitness water and walked passed the boys like nothing happened.

You went back into your room and go into your f/c sports bra and some matching shorts and made space for you to dance.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, play my dancing playlist" you said out-loud while stretching yourself out.

Seconds later you hear the AI play the song "Get me bodied" By Beyonce. You knew this was one of Wanda's favorite songs so you didn't skip it in thought of her.


"Steve I quit your impossible to play with." I said turning away from where y/n disappeared from.

"Oh are you sure? or is it that a certain female avenger just walked in on you losing?" Steve said with a giant smirk on his face.

Steve and Sam are the only people who know about my slight (yeah right) crush on y/n. I mean what is there not to like? Her body is magnificent in every possible way from her head to her toes. Her smile is so contagious it even makes Bruce AND Tony smile. Her laugh is like magic to my ears and she is so funny and sweet.

Sometimes on missions we team up and I crack jokes with her just to see her smile. We are great friends and I would love to be more but I don't want to risk our friendship if it didn't work out or she didn't feel the same way.

"STEVEN GRANT ROGERS ALL YOU DO IS FUCKING CHEAT STOP IT" I yelled at him. He was my best friend but god he can be annoying as shit.

Suddenly, We both heard a loud bang and turned around to see Clint and he has seemingly fallen out of a vent.

"Fuck.." Clint rolls on his side and grips his stomach.

"Clint Barton what the hel-"

"God damnit barnes can you go one day without saying someone's full name? Anyways, I was in the vents and I started hearing music so I start moving towards it and-"

daybreak - b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now