at last

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tony's christmas party.

now, i don't know why we need to have a party after christmas day. we opened gifts, ate food, watched movies and had fun in the snow.

but something told tony to plan a christmas party as well, which we all stated was crazy but we couldn't say no to any extra.

of course, tony's parties are known for being fancy and elegant, that being said, all of the ladies had to go out and find christmas dresses at the last minute.

ans by ladies, i meant those of us who don't have dresses ready to go like the snap of thanos fingers.

time skip brought to you by Sam screaming at the game 'poppy playtime'.

time skip brought to you by Sam screaming at the game 'poppy playtime'

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"god y/n, you look stunning

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"god y/n, you look stunning.." natasha says after backing away from her masterpiece on my face.

"i completely agree on that natasha-" wanda says but was shortly cut off.

tony bursts through the door and wanda quickly reacts slapping him across the face. He lets out a screech before glaring at wanda.

"oops.." natasha can't help but giggle while I look at him in confusion.

"sorry ladies but we have a serious problem. the singer for tonight cancelled and the band won't be here till late. i need one of you to sing a song for the party-"

"not it!" they both say at the same time, children.

"okay uhh...i am not singing in-front of all those people! everyone's eyes will be on me and it would be just me up there. what song am i even singing?" i ask, standing up and folding my arms on my chest as my bracelets jingle and jangle. get it? No...ok.

tony claps and rubs his hands together "thats the pick the song although it has to be christmas related it and something in your voice range, which is very easy for you since we heard you sing on multiple occasions. please y/n, I'll do you 50 favors just do this for me tonight." he begs and gets down on his knees in front of me.

i think about it for a second and then i let out a huge sigh. wanda smiles, clearly reading my mind and she lets out a squeal. "fiiiinnnneeeee i'll do it but only because of those 50 favors. and I want to impress my boyfriend as well."

he stands up and claps his hands together quickly.

"great! let's go!" he grabs my hand and drags my out my room with wanda and nat following in suit.


anxious isn't even the word to describe how i'm feeling in the current moment.

the party has started and everyone is here. everyone except my girlfriend...y/n y/l/n.

i've asked person after person if they have seen her. it's all been the same answer, no.

i'm getting too worried. and I don't know how to stop it.

the lights dim low suddenly and tony walks on stage thanking everyone for coming and wishing happy holidays.

" back to business...we have a certain avenger here that is doing me a favor and singing for us tonight. please welcome...y/n y/l/n!" he ushers for someone to move the curtains and standing behind them doll.


the crowd erupted in claps and "woo's". my team was smiling at me and i quickly wave at them before i motion for the music. [start the song ^ if you want]

the intro of the song starts to play and the lights change into a dim low red. before i know it, i take a deep breath and sing:

"At last,
my love has come along"

the crowd whoops and claps as I sing but not pulling me out of my concentration.

"my lonely days are over,
and life feels like a song." i close my eyes to help with the flow and to sing more smoothly.

unbeknownst to me, bucky is staring directly at me, loving every second of my voice.

"oh yeah yeah, at last,
the skies above are blue."

"my heart is wrapped up in clover,
the night I looked at you."

i open my eyes and immediately make eye contact with bucy. his piercing blue eyes stare back at me in awe and tears spring up in his eyes, almost like my singing is bringing him to tears.

"i found a dream, that i could speak to
a dream that i can call my own." i soon realize that some couples start to dance and sway along and i usher bucky to come up on stage, not caring if it's allowed or not.

he quickly runs up and makes his way towards me. he grabs my hands quietly as my right hand goes with his metal left and his flesh hand goes with my
left hand. he starts to sway me around slowly looking into my eyes with adoration and love.

"i found a thrill to press my cheek to
a thrill that i have never known." i continue to sing, but more like i'm singing to bucky. he moves his hands down to my waist, and i feel his fingers on me thru the fabric. i place my hands onto his chest as we continue to sway, ignoring the eyes on us.

"oh yeah yeah, you smile, you smile
oh and then the spell was cast..."

"and here we are in heaven
for you are last." i finish singing and the music continues once more. we sway and sway and sway until the song fades out.

i don't even hear the claps and hollering after the song ends, all i see in my view is my bucky. he places his hands on my cheeks before pulling me into a enchanting kiss, love and magic all in it.

he pulls away and places his forehead against mine.

"At last, doll."

"At last, Bucky."

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