what did you do

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"Y/N! Lets spar!" Steve says while you and Wanda are walking around the indoor track. You stop abruptly and walk over to him with your arms out.

"Why Steve? Sam is right over th-"

"Nope. Bye y/n!" Sam screams while running out the glass gym doors to the showers.


You let out a deep sigh from defeatIt's not like nobody likes Steve when it comes to training. It's just sometimes he is known to take it too far.

One time was when back last summer when Fury assigned You, Bucky and Steve to train new agents that would do undercover missions. Steve had forced them to train so hard that one girl threw up, a man in his early 20s passed out and another guy quit that exact day.

He also tends to get upset when you tease him. Nobody knows why but whenever someone jokes with Steve during exercising, it turns out pretty bad.

Yeah, not the best person to train with but he gets
the job done without a doubt.

"Fine," You huff putting your hands on your hips and letting all your weight onto your right leg "What are we doing today, captain?"

"Sparring." He says so casually like last time he went sparring he didn't almost put Sam in a coma.

"Excuse me? May I remind you of what happened last time you went sparring?"

"Yes I know and I apologized to Sam for that, but y/n your powers aren't going to always be there to save you. Just because you can possess people doesn't mean you don't need to know how to fight." He puts his hands on his hip mocking you and waving his pointer finger at you.

"Fine Steve, we can spar." You say as you head over to your bag to get your wrap for your hands. Steve claps like a little child who just one a prize and starts preparing himself.

( I have absolutely zero knowledge on boxing or sparring as you can tell, correct me if i'm wrong )

You enter the net where Steve was impatiently waiting for you to get in. You exhale slowly before getting into a fighting stance.

"Ready Captain?"

"Yes, are you ready?" He jokes while exaggerating the 'you'.

"Of course I am Cap."


So it turns out you were ready but Steve was not.

Instead of the sparring being intense, it actually was very beneficial for you and you managed to pin Steve 5 times, with him having to tap out twice before losing oxygen.

Currently, your legs were wrapped around his head while you were laying on the floor. (like the way T'challa had M'Baku at the waterfall)

"I'm not letting go Steve. Just accept your defeat. It's okay to lose."

That ignited something in Steve because in less that a millisecond, Steve used all his strength to stand up with you sitting onto of his shoulders. You prepared yourself for a body slam but it never came.

Steve hopped out of the net to your surprise before hurdling you to the wall.

You hit the wall with such force that it left a dent.

Steve was breathing so heavy you couldn't miss the puffs of smoke coming out of his ears. He balled his hands into fists before turning around.

You groan out as your vision starts to blur and things move in a haze. Your head drops to your shoulder as you try to get up but you hit the floor. Your head slams against the hard floor, causing you to yell out in pain.

Wanda takes out her headphones and slows down running to see the commotion. Her eyes land on you and she gasps before running over to you and getting on her knees beside your head.

"Y/N?? WHAT HAPPENED??" She slides your head slowly onto her lap before checking any more bruises. "STEVE?!?"

Steve stops taking off his gloves and turns around before looking down at Wanda, clearly annoyed, and looks down at you and notices your condition.

He lets out a gasp and he looks at you with a look of horror like he didn't cause what happened.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!?" Wanda yells and her eyes start glowing red and she pulls you up so your head is resting on her shoulder and she is cradling you.

"I-I..." Is all Steve can let out. He knows this time he took it too far for sure.

Wheeze after wheeze comes out of your mouth as you try to breathe and keep yourself together but Wanda can see right through that you can't hold on for much longer.

"Wanda...?" Steve lets out.

"What?! What can you possibly want right now?! Haven't you done enough??"

"Wanda...your shoulder..."

Wanda pushes your head back to see that blood was on her white tee with the letter 'W+V' over on the left side of her chest. She gasps before bringing your head down slowly, without squeezing it or causing you any pain.

She puts her hand on the back of your head to feel a warm red liquid. Blood.

"Shit! FRIDAY, alert the team and banner to be ready for y/n!" Wanda yells after moving your hair out of your face and bringing your head back to her shoulder.

"Y/n I'm so sorry.."

You lift your hand to signal its fine but your hand drops back into your lap as you drift off again.

"No no no no, y/n stay up for me. Lets talk about something...what are you going to eat tonight?"

"...mmhm." You mumble out, not being able to say a full sentence.

Suddenly, laughter comes from the gym doors before they open and Bucky and Sam enter together.

"Hey Wanda, we were told we were needed for an emergenc-"

"Steve hurt y/n." Wanda says while keeping her eyes on your chest, making sure you are still breathing.

That's all Bucky needed to hear before he ran over to Wanda to look at you.

"STEVE WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" He yells at the top of his lungs while Wanda stands up and tells Sam about what happened. Bucky pulls you into the same position Wanda had you in before examining you all over.

"I-I don't know...she made a joke while we were sparring and all I-I saw was red and next thing I knew, I threw her at the wall.."

Bucky's chest rose and fell as fast as lightning while yours was fading. "YOU KNOW SHE HAS FUCKING ASHTMA YOU IDIOT! WHAT THE FUCK MAKES YOU THINK TO DO THAT?!"

"I don't know Buck."

Bucky ignores him and stands up, cradling you bridal style before stomping out of the gym and mumbling things in Russian under his breath.

You weakly lift right hand to cup his face and let out a weak smile. He looks back down at you with tears in his eyes and Wanda follows behind while Sam stays back to cuss out Steve.

"I'm sorry doll." Is the last thing you hear once you arrive at the medbay before Bucky yells and Wanda starts calling for Banner.


Should I do a part two? Let me know babies <3

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