never ask them again

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Walking in the kitchen, you open the big refrigerator after a fight with Bucky and you need a water before you got too dehydrated and passed out.

And yes it was a stupid fight that you started and really couldn't seem to let go and it bothered you that you didn't know how to solve the problem.

See you started the fight right when Bucky came into your shared room from his mission. He wanted to just cuddle with you, take a shower, watch some television and take a nap or two before dinner but no, you had to argue about the fact that you can't walk up and kiss him when you please without a struggle.

Why? Because your short as shit and he is a 6 feet tall soldier.

He always has to bend down to kiss you or pick you up so your faces are close together but you quickly got tired of that after 8 months of dating the super soldier.

"Hey y/n are you okay?" Sam interrupted your thoughts by putting his hands on your shoulders and hugging you from behind (he is your best friend and you guys are close so your okay with this) .

"yeah i'm fine i just got in a fight with Buck and honestly i want t-".

"Excuse me?" Tony said with Steve, Clint, Thor, Vision and Pietro following quickly behind.

All at once, they surrounded you and started yelling and asking a lot of questions: what did he do? did be hurt you? did you beat his ass?

"Guys stop it...I started the fight." you say silencing them up.

After that the boys got quiet real quick. You were the most happiest and joyful person on the team so hearing you starting a fight just doesn't sound right until they see the frustration on your face.

"What did you fight about y/n" Steve asked while folding his arms with a look of concern on his face.

You sigh and look him in the eyes "Because i'm too short to kiss Bucky...Every time I want to kiss him he has to pick me up or I have to jump or he has to bend dow-".

"Fake a injury so he willingly bend down and you sneak a kiss in!" Pietro stated.

"Get sick so he can kiss you all the time and he gets sick as payback" Sam said.

"Have sex?" Tony said making everyone turn at him with a slight weird and confused expression on everyone's face.

You were laughing your ass off at this point until sam whispered something in your ear and it made you smile.

Bucky emerges from the elevator looking for you and you run up to him in a hug (about to make a mistake).

"hey doll do you feel bet-" you cut him off by kneeing Bucky in his area where the sun definitely won't shine for a while "FUCKING SHIT!" He screams covering his area.

Steve and Tony look at you in shock, Vision and Pietro are just confused, Thor is laughing his ass off and Clint doesn't want to get killed by you or Bucky so he goes into the vents.

Bucky collapses on the floor pulling his knees together and rolling around the ground.

You felt bad instantly and Sam walked up behind you and patted you on the back.

The boys snuck passed you and Bucky and you lifted his face to apologize but instead he was smiling so hard you thought he was going to break his jaw.

"Buck-" you say but get interrupted.

"Why did you do that doll?" He asked cutting you off.

"Because I needed to find another way to kiss you and Sam said to do it and it made more sense.." you said in a almost whisper but loud enough for him to hear.

Suddenly, he leans in and connects your lips with his  (with PASSION!) and brings his hands to your hair while you kiss him back (with more PASSION!).

Bucky pulls away and holds your foreheads against each others "I love you y/n and your fine but never ask 'them' again" he says while standing up and lifting you up with both of his hands.

"I love you too Bucky" You say smiling up at him

"Doll, I have to go do something okay?" he asked and suddenly he jumped and ran to the elevator before you even got the chance to speak

"SAM IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" you heard him scream

"AHHHH STEVE!!" Sam screeched in a high girly like scream


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