Is it a Date?

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Byul found herself standing in front of her closet, unsure of what to wear. She had gone from excited to down right freaking out in a matter of a few hours. It was only Tuesday night. She had made her way home after her shift, it was now three in the morning and she could think of nothing but what she was going to wear. It was not a date, she thinks, just a friendly dinner for helping YongSun out that night, so then why did she feel like this. She wasn't sure why she was freaking out so much, YongSun had seen her in her ratty old hat, dirty sweater and wearing no makeup. Still, she should dress like she was trying, but not trying... Byul rubbed a hand over her face, this was getting way to complicated. She even considered calling HyeJin and asking her advice but she knew the girl was going to tell her to wear something revealing. Byul had made the mistake of letting HyeJin pick her clothes once, she ended up wearing her coat for the whole night because you could see her bra through the shirt.

It took Byul another hour to finally decide what she was going to wear, and if she was being honest, it wasn't much different from what she wore everyday to school. She was going with her black ripped jeans and a plain white shirt under a plaid one. It was nothing special but it was all she could come up with. She looked over at the clock, it was just past four in the morning. She groaned and dragged herself into her bed, she still had to go to class tomorrow. Lucky for her she only had one class and it was early, so she had a lot of time to not sleep and worry until she met up with YongSun. They had made more in depth plans since. The decided to meet at the store where Byul worked and walk to a local restaurant that YongSun swears has the best food in town. Byul agreed and they set the time for five that night so YongSun had time to go home a change before they had to meet. Byul looked at her phone again before she closed her eyes, wondering in YongSun was having just as much trouble as she was or if it was all in Byul's head. She rolled over but didn't sleep.


YongSun did not want to get out of bed. The night had brought nothing but worry for her. Instead of doing her homework due later that week, she made WheeIn sit with her and go through everything she owned until they found something that the both thought was an appropriate outfit to wear for her "Not a Date" as YongSun had to remind WheeIn over a dozen times. The younger girl just nodded her head, humoring YongSun, who also knew she was treating this like it was a date, God did she hope it wa a date.

After an hour and a half she settled on some nice light blue skinny jeans and a pink sweater-shirt. She had originally wanted to wear a dress, nothing fancy, something like a sundress, but WheeIn pointed out that ByulYi had mentioned the arcade near the restaurant and a dress might look nice but limited her movements. Finally they had her outfit picked, lined up the type of makeup she was going to wear, but then it was time for WheeIn to go home for the night, leaving YongSun to panic alone. She ended up staying up most of the night trying to get over her nerves, eventually falling asleep at about three in the morning, which didn't help the fact she had an eight AM class to go to. So when YongSun's alarm started going off in the morning she almost threw it across the room.

She finally managed to pull herself out of bed and into the bathroom. She needed a shower to wake her up, and to wash her hair, it had been a few days since she did. It took her another hour of preparations before she was ready to leave, so when she did get home she would only need to do touch ups and change her clothes. For now, it was time for class.

YongSun didn't know if she was more excited or nervous as she made her way to the convenience store. She had barely been able to concentrate the entire day, she was also secretly hoping to run into ByulYi at school but it never happened. Now she was almost at the store and there was a part of her brain that was telling her to high tail it back to her house and text ByulYi sorry, but she steeled her nerves and continued walking.

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