School's out for Summer

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Byul tapped her pencil on the table. It was the final minutes of her final exam, she didn't want to get up and leave just yet, she wanted to look over her answers a few more times. The last few weeks of intense studying left her prepare for the exams but also depleted of energy completely. She had barely seen anyone but the customers at her store between pages of exam review. It had been a solid seven days since she had even seen her girlfriend's face as she too was busy with exams. They kept up their relationship these days fully over text, during the previous week they did have a few chances to meet, even if it was just YongSun coming to visit her at the store late at night. Even in their shared class the professor had separated them around the room during that morning's exam.

The bell finally rang and all the students left in the class rushed to the front in an orderly manner to hand in their test. Byul was one of the last ones, not wanting to get caught in the sea of students rushing for the front door. She handed her exam off to the teacher and made her way into the hall. She still had a few things to collect from her locker before going to meet YongSun in the courtyard, they had managed to squeeze in time before Byul's end of the year party with her program, YongSun also had one tonight so they would have to wait yet again to see each other.

Byul made it to the courtyard before YongSun did, she must be running behind. Byul couldn't help but check the time, counting down the seconds left they would have together today. She supposed they'd have a lot of time this summer to see each other, however, Byul already knew her schedule would be full of work, trying to save money for next year so she wouldn't have to work so much. YongSun would be doing work experience in her field over the summer for extra credit so that would have to be worked around as well. She imagined they would have both of their schedules side by side, marking days on the calendar when they could see each other. "Byul-Ah!" Byul turned to see YongSun making her way to her, she couldn't help but smile as YongSun waved enthusiastically with both hands. Byul started making her way over to YongSun when the girl started to run, a second later YongSun had crashed herself into Byul, arms wrapped tightly around her as if they hadn't seen each other in months rather than seven days. Byul snaked her arms around YongSun as well and held her close, taking in the familiar scent of her perfume. YongSun had become a bit more brazen with her interactions since the night of their dare kiss, she would have never hugged her this intimately before, especially not with this many people around who could misunderstand. "I missed you so much." She mumbled into Byul's hair.

Byul laughed and pulled away. "I missed you too Unnie." She smoothed out a part of YongSun's hair for her.

YongSun made a face at her. "Have you been missing meals? You feel thinner than last week."

They finally let their arms drop but they stayed close. "I've been living on Unnie's love." She said making a heart with her fingers.

Byul got the response she wanted when YongSun scrunched up her face and hit her in the arm. Which only caused Byul to laugh at her. "Don't be greasy."

"Sorry," She said and didn't mean, she looped her arm with YongSun as they began to walk. "Perhaps you should feed me, then maybe I'll eat more food." YongSun knocked into her side causing her to stumble a bit. "So lunch on me then." She said guiding her to the front of the school.


Byul was sad to see YongSun go again. They were able to grab a quick lunch together, followed by a long makeout session at Byul's place that use up more time than she cared to admit, especially since she wished they could have gone on longer. YongSun had to leave to drop her stuff off at home and get ready for her year end party and Byul had to get ready for her's. She suggested they both skip the parties and just have a date night at Byul's, she wasn't going to see these kids next year anyway since she was switching programs but YongSun said she really needed to go to hers but promised that they could meet up later that night and YongSun would stay over since neither of them had to get up early the next day.

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