Kim family dinner.

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YongSun looked at herself in the mirror as she put on her last coat of lip gloss. Byul had called her earlier that day and one of her co-workers asked to switch shifts with her so she had blown off her only class of the day to do it, leaving her afternoon wide open, for a date. They hadn't gone anywhere since they decided to date, between school, homework, and work for Byul it was hard to set dates that didn't include YongSun hanging out at the convenience store all night, which she usually did. Byul had initially wanted the date to be a surprise but after much pestering by YongSun she revealed that they were going to the movies.

A person appeared in the mirror behind YongSun. YongHee was leaning against her door frame, arms crossed. "Where are you going all dressed up?" Her tone was not a quizzical one.

YongSun twisted the cap of her lip gloss and turned around to face her sister. "Byul Ah and I are going to see a movie."

YongHee stood up. "You spend a lot of time with this ByulYi girl." Again with the tone.

YongSun crossed her arms to match her sister's. "Are you asking something Unnie or are you just going to glare at me?"

YongHee checked her expression and it softened a bit. "I just wanted the truth YongSun Ah, is this girl just a friend to you?"

YongSun hadn't completely come out to her family. Not that she wasn't sure they would be okay with it, they would, but she felt like she was putting a burden on them if she finally said it out loud. YongHee had always been forward, especially now since she came back from abroad. "We are more than friends." She said softly enough for her sister to hear but no one else.

"Are you planning to tell Mom and Dad?"

YongSun sighed. "I don't want to put that pressure on them. They already suspect I may not be straight, after that boy last year they looked..." She thought for a moment. "I don't know, relieved that they were wrong."

YongHee shook her head. "You know they are not like that, they would accept you."

YongSun sat down on her bed. "I just wanted them to be free for a bit longer, even just knowing will make their lives harder. Besides I am not going to tell them until I am sure about where my heart is."

Now it was YongHee's turn to sigh. "Just by the look on your face when you talk about her, I think you already know where your heart is." She turned to leave the room but paused for a moment. "Just be careful YongSun, not everyone is forgiving." YongSun knew that all too well already.

YongSun was pulled back from the real world talk when her phone chirped, it was Byul telling her she was on her way to the convenience store, their meeting place. She felt a smile rise to her lips, she caught herself in the mirror. YongHee was always the smarter sister.

The girls argued about what movie to see. YongSun wanted to see a rom-com but Byul wanted to watch something with action. They finally decided on a mix of two, some American film playing. YongSun was jealous how cool and sexy Byul could look in such regular clothes. Even in her slightly larger shirt, YongSun could see the outline of her slender body, leading all the way up to her... "Unnie." Byul snapped her attention back to her face. "What do you want from the concession?"

They had already made it to the front of the line. And older woman was on the other side, smiling politely at them. "Just popcorn is fine."

Byul asked for popcorn, a drink, and a bag of gummy candy. The woman handed back Byul's card. "Did you girls decided to go out without your boyfriend?" YongSun was sure the woman meant nothing by it but her blood ran cold.

"It is girl's night out." Byul politely responded to her. "They are too cool to see a movie with romance in it." It amazed YongSun how easy she lied like that.

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