Meet the sisters

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Kim YongSun didn't know what she expected. Perhaps for Byul's sisters to be standing at the bottom of the stairs, clipboards at the ready, marking down all of her mistakes. Overdramatic, but she was really nervous. Byul held her hand until the top of the landing, but like with her mother, as soon as she saw her sisters standing in the doorway, she ran for them.

Byul's sisters looked basically just like her, there were slight differences, like SeulGi wore more makeup than she had ever seen Byul with; and YeSol still had a lot of baby fat on her cheeks. Byul informed her that SeulGi was just about to graduate, and YeSol was only a year behind her. All the Moon sisters were crowded in the main foyer chatting excitedly and giving out hugs. YongSun almost forgot she was still just standing on the stairs by herself until Byul turned toward her and waved her down. "Unnie, come say hi." She said while smiling larger than YongSun had ever seen.

YongSun started to descend the stairs, she didn't miss the slightly aggravated look that she got form SeulGi before she turned to take her shoes off and pick up her slippers. YongSun walked over to Byul's side and Byul automatically grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers. "It is nice to meet you." She said giving a slight bow.

Again, there was another look from the middle girl but YongSun didn't read too much into it. YeSol shook her free hand energetically. "It is nice to meet you YongSun Unnie." She paused and turned to Byul. "is it okay if I call her that?"

Byul shrugged. "That is up to YongSun." When all eyes turned to her, YongSun could feel her cheeks going red, but she nodded in response, making the girl smile. "Why don't we all go to the kitchen and get caught up?" Byul suggested.

YeSol didn't even wait until they left the foyer to start informing Byul of everything she had missed over the last eight months away from them. She left out no detail, it was kind of cute because YongSun could tell she had really missed Byul. As soon as it was SeulGi's turn, she too launched into a very detailed recollection of her past year at school, and about the people in their neighbourhood and what they were up to. Byul didn't have much to tell them besides how school was going, and of course her meeting YongSun but she didn't get into much detail about it, YongSun assumed to make sure her sisters got the time to finish all of their stories. Mrs. Moon served them tea as they talked. YongSun couldn't help but feel a bit like and outsider, she didn't know these people, she told them briefly about her family and her school life but she didn't like the attention to be all on her, this trip after all was supposed to be about Byul visiting her family. Before they knew it, it was almost time for lunch. Mrs. Moon refused their help in the kitchen. Byul's sisters, although they came home early to see Byul, had to go get their weekend homework out of the way. That left Byul and YongSun free to do whatever they wanted.


Byul decided that she was going to show YongSun around the farm. It wasn't a big farm, they mostly grew vegetables, they had a few chickens, and a barn that use to have cows in it, but after Byul's father passed away they sold them because it became too much work for them to keep up with. Byul lead YongSun into the barn. "So how do you like them?" She asked as she pulled the door open.

YongSun smiled. "They seem nice. It is funny, they look just like you but you guys are so different."

Byul laughed. "Yeah my dad use to say that he had his hands full with three daughters that were nothing like each other." YongSun watched her check out the state of the barn as she spoke. "I was the smart, hard working one who didn't care about getting her hands dirty. He said SeulGi must have been royal in her past life because she has the grace of a princess and the attitude to match." YongSun snickered at that. "YeSol has a heart of pure gold, and smiles with the sunrise."

"I know someone else with a heart of gold." YongSun said walking up behind Byul.

Byul smiled and then batted her away. "Who is the greasy one now?" YongSun smiled at that. "Come here there is something I want to show you." They walked into the barn. It wasn't very big, just a place to store things now. Byul grabbed YongSun's hand and dragged her across the front part of the room, on the left hand side of the barn, about three quarters in was the ladder to the landing above. Byul started climbing the ladder to the loft above. Her father had originally made it for all three of his daughters but it had been a long time since one of her sisters had climbed that ladder. It wasn't anything special but it had a few hay bales and blankets, it was once their clubhouse.

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