The Sun and The Moon (Final)

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WARNING,  kind of a very very long chapter ahead (5087 words)


Byul made it back to the farm an hour later. She was carrying three bags: one from the fish market, one from the best soup shop in town, and one from the little shop she dragged SeulGi into, with a present for YongSun. She stopped in to the kitchen first, her mother preparing dinner already, Byul and YongSun were supposed to get dinner in town but she left early. Byul handed her mother the bag of fish. "Have you seen YongSun?" She asked as she set the soup down on the counter. "I brought her soup since she isn't feeling well."

Her mother gave her a look. "I haven't seen her since you two left after breakfast." She shuffled some ingredients around. "She wasn't feeling good?"

Byul nodded. "She came back an hour ago." She put the soup in a bowl and put it in the microwave. "Maybe she just went to lay down, I'll go check."

YongSun however, was not in Byul's room. Byul hid the gift she got her in closet and closed her door behind her. She swung into her sister's room, they had the bigger room because they had to share. "Have either of you seen YongSun?" They were both laying on their beds looking at their phones.

YeSol sat up a bit. "I saw her walking toward the barn like an hour ago." She shrugged.

"Thanks, the fish is here so make sure to ask mom if she needs help with dinner." She got a wave of SeulGi's hand before she swung back out of the room.

YongSun was indeed in the barn. Just one step in and Byul could see her up in the loft. Byul grabbed a blanket off of a bale of hay and threw it over her shoulder, making her way to the latter to climb up.

YongSun was sitting near the window, in the same spot they were sitting yesterday, her knees pulled up to her chest, looking out the window. Byul sat down beside her, throwing the blanket over YongSun as she did. "What are you doing out here baby, I thought you weren't feeling well." She went to move some of YongSun's hair but she leaned away from her. "That is the second time you've done that today." She shifted closer. "Is everything okay?" YongSun wasn't looking at her, she would only look out the window. "Unnie?"

"How long have you had a crush on SeulGi?" She asked flatly.

Byul scrunched her brow. "What makes you say that?" Sure back in the day she did have a little thing for SeulGi but that was years ago and when she was just figuring herself out.

YongSun turned her head a little. "As soon as you ran into her it was like I wasn't even there. I saw the way you looked at her." She could see tears lining her eyes.

"Hey," She said making YongSun look at her. "I am not going to lie to you, I did have a crush on her in high school." YongSun's face fell, she looked away again. "Unnie look at me." She did. "The girl who liked Kang SeulGi was a different Byul, a younger Byul who didn't know what she was doing falling for her straight friend." She put her hand on YongSun's arm. "There is only one girl I have a crush on." She wiped a tear away from YongSun's face. "There is only one girl I love, and her name is Kim YongSun." YongSun lifted her head a bit. "She is cute, funny, silly, and kind of a fool." YongSun swatted at her and Byul laughed.

She lifted YongSun's head with her hands. "Only one girl, you got that? You have nothing to worry about Unnie."

YongSun sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Are you sure?"

Byul pulled her on to her lap, bringing her close for a hug. Pressing their bodies as close as she could get them. "I've never been more sure about anything in my life." YongSun pulled back and they laughed together. Byul wiped the remaining tears from YongSun's face. "Is this why you came home early? You were worried about this?"

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