What are we?

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YongSun was feeling high. Maybe elated was a better word. She could not help but smile the entire way home. She was a little scared when she woke up that morning at Byul's house, in her bed, wrapped up in her arms. She pretend she was a asleep for a bit when Byul first woke up so they didn't have to wake up face to face and embarrassed; however, she did fall back to sleep. YongSun's brain was working overtime at the breakfast table trying to figure out what was going on, what they had said, what she was feeling. Luckily they had cleared the air and now she was shinning as bright as the sun.

YongSun found herself humming as she got ready. She showered and picked out a clean outfit, she had been sporting Byul's black shirt all morning and she had no desire to give it back anytime soon. She had an urge to wear it again, because it smelled of her, but she realized that would be a bit weird if she showed up to see Byul still wearing her shirt. She folded it neatly and put it on the top of her dresser.

YongSun exited her room to find her sister and mother sitting at the table, each with a cup of tea in front of them and a shared plate of fruit between them. Her mother looked up at her an smiled. "YongSun Ah, come sit with us."

YongSun did as her mother said and took a seat next to her sister, who was looking intently at her face. "Why are you so happy?" She asked bluntly.

YongSun was taken aback for a second. "It is a nice day." She shrugged it off.

"What friend's house did you stay at last night, WheeIn?" YongSun felt like her sister was interrogating her.

YongSun sipped her tea. "No," She felt her mother look up at her. "My new friend ByulYi. I met her at the convenience store around the block, we go to school together." She felt herself start to ramble so she stopped herself fast.

Her mother smiled. "I am glad you are making new friends, perhaps you can invite her over for dinner sometime so we can meet her."

YongSun felt her face go red, she felt like she was doing something wrong, like she was lying. "I'll ask her when I see her later." She swallowed.

"You seem to spend a lot of time with this girl." Her sister interjected. "You go to that store a lot." She could tell her sister wasn't trying to be mean despite the harshness in her words, she could tell YongSun was hiding something and she was trying to get it out of her.

"YongHee, leave your sister alone, I am glad she is making new friends, she spends too much time at home." She turned to YongSun. "Invite your friend over, let me know what day would be good for her and if she has any allergies." YongSun nodded.

She glanced at the time, it was already going on two in the afternoon, she had spent more time getting ready than she realized. "I better get going, I was going to spend the afternoon doing homework at the library." Not a complete lie, but she felt like if she said she was going to see Byul again at her other job then YongHee would have something to say.

"Don't be out too late." Her mother told her as she put her cup in the sink, she agreed and went to collect her school stuff from her room, leaving her mother and sister to their conversation.

About an hour later YongSun was standing outside of The Coffee House regretting her choices. She had been so egar to go see Byul again she didn't think how weird it would look that she showed up so early in Byul's shift to do homework, she didn't have that much of it to do, she just wanted the excuse to see her again. It was now just past three and Byul still had four hours of her shift left, there was no way YongSun had four hours worth of homework to do, at this rate she was going to be way ahead of the class.

She sighed and pushed open the door, the more she thought about it, the more odd it looked that she was just standing outside of the doors. The bell above the door chimed and the cashier looked up. It was Byul, her face went from customer friendly to a real smile, one that made YongSun's heart do a few flips in her chest. She walked up to the counter, mirroring Byul's smile, feeling the pink in her cheeks.

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