Rain, rain, come again.

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Byul was cursing herself. It was late Thursday night and she was all alone at work. This was usually the time that YongSun would come into the store but the girl was nowhere to be seen. Why did she tell her not to come, why? She only meant she didn't want YongSun eating bad food anymore, she was thin enough and eating food with no nutrition was just going to make it worse.

She sighed to herself, there was no helping her boredom. The only thing she had to look forward to was seeing YongSun in class tomorrow, and hopefully getting to sit next to her. Byul thought about confessing to YongSun outside of her house yesterday when she dropped her off, but it was still too soon, which is what made her say that stupid sentence. Dam, did she wish she could take that back. She would have to find a way to set things straight tomorrow when she saw her, without raising suspicion, just in case she didn't take it the way Byul thought she did. Byul put her head in her hands, elbows resting on the counter, she looked out to the empty store, wishing tomorrow was coming faster.


"So how did it go?" YongSun had her phone up to her ear as she scrambled around her bedroom to get ready for her Friday class.

"It went really well I think. She is cute and sweet and funny, but I am not totally sure she is into me like that." She held up another shirt over herself in the mirror.

WheeIn made a noise on the other end of the link. "And what makes you think that?" WheeIn had been trying to get this information out of her since Wednesday night but YongSun had been too busy to reply to her text, until she finally called her.

YongSun thought back to Wednesday night and had to try very hard not to smile, but the bit at the end of the night it what threw her off. "She told me she didn't want to see me at the store eating ramen anytime soon." YongSun could see herself making a face in the mirror.

"Unnie!" WheeIn practically yelled at her over the phone. "Did you take that the wrong way?" She had. "She just wanted you to eat healthy, it means she cares about you, is that why you didn't go by the store yesterday?"

YongSun had admitted to WheeIn over text that she didn't go see the girl. "No..." It wasn't the only reason she didn't go to the store last night, but it was definitely the reason she didn't make an excuse to go.

"Unnie! How many times do I have to tell you, do I have to spell it out? If that girl didn't like you she wouldn't have done something as lame as yelling off a bridge."

"Hey!" YongSun protested.

"I'm sorry Unnie but I would have never done that, not unless HyeJin asked me and I was trying to impress her, like that time I went camping in high school but I hate bugs, I did it all to impress that one boy."

YongSun mulled it over a bit, she still wasn't sure, then again she probably would not be a hundred percent sure until she heard the words from Byul's mouth. "WheeIn-Ah, I have to go to class now but we will talk later okay?"

"Yeah okay, but try not to think about it too much." Yeah like that was going to happen. The girls hung up and YongSun left for school, of course still thinking about it.

There was no sign of Byul when YongSun got to class, then again she was always one of the first people in the classroom. She scoped out a good seat so Byul was most likely to see her when she walked in, that was if she still wanted to sit with her. YongSun hated her brain, one second it was running over all the things Byul did that made her think she liked her, the next she was reminding herself of all the reason she was probably wrong. YongSun started pulling all of she stuff out of her bag, she was going to start writing the lecture notes the teacher put online, anything to get her mind off of Byul. In a rush she did manage to finish her punishment paper she was supposed to write for falling asleep last week, she had already submitted it electronically that morning when she woke up.

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