Homeward bound

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// very, very light smut warning//

"It's cold." Yongsun whined for the fifth time since they had arrived at the train station. The station was mostly deserted, but considering it was four in the morning Byul didn't think it was going to be overly busy.

Byul scooped Yongsun up in her arms and wrapped her jacket around YongSun as much as she could. YongSun rested her head on Byul's shoulder. Byul was aware that the few people that were waiting for the same train were staring at them but she didn't care. Both girls were dead tired, having to leave their homes around three to make it to the station. "The train should be here soon." Byul was gently rocking them to keep their blood moving.

"It's too early." She groaned, nuzzling into Byul's neck. Byul tried not to jump at the cold touch of YongSun's nose.

Byul gave a look around, when she was sure no one was watching she gave YongSun a quick kiss on the head. "Well maybe if you bought tickets a little later in the day we wouldn't have had to get up so early."

YongSun lifted her head. "But the next train isn't for five more hours, if we get on this one, by the time we get to your hometown you will have almost three whole days with them." Byul knew this, YongSun had explained it before and she was grateful for it.

Byul didn't get a chance to respond because the train began to arrive on the platform and they had to get on the train.

The girls got settled in their seats, they put their bags overhead and slid into their seats. YongSun pulled a blanket out of her bag and spread it over their laps. She also pulled out a plastic bag. YongSun pulled out a series of foods, fruits, hard boiled eggs and a few drinks. "Breakfast, or at least the best I could find at the store." Byul smiled and picked up an egg, she took a bite of it and passed the rest to YongSun, who ate it right from her hand.

Byul picked a piece of egg from YongSun's lip. "Such a thoughtful girlfriend." She said as she pinched YongSun's cheek.

The girl batted her hand away. "Be quiet, you don't know who is listening."

Byul gave a dramatic look around. "No one is even near us." She leaned in, moving YongSun's hair behind her ear, moving her face down to YongSun's neck, pressing her lips to her skin. She could feel YongSun's heart race with her own but she didn't move. "Payback." She whispered in YongSun's ear.

YongSun look shocked and her hand jumped to her neck, other hand searching for her mirror in her bag, Byul did nothing but laugh the whole time while YongSun realized Byul didn't give her a hickey. How would that look to her family. YongSun punched her in the shoulder. Byul laughed again and pulled YongSun in, laying her head on her shoulder. "Let's get some rest." YongSun rested her head atop of Byul's and they let the rocking of the train lull them to sleep.


A few hours later Byul and YongSun hopped off the train and into the morning light. They'd managed to sleep for the entire trip but Byul wasn't surprised. They began to walk off of the platform, Byul laced her arm with YongSun's, she wanted to hold hands but they weren't in the city anymore.

Byul knew her mother would be waiting for them in the parking lot of the station, she promised to be there when they arrived, now all they had to do was find her. Byul gave a quick look about the lot, there were a lot of people coming in, she assumed to go to the city for the weekend. Over in the corner of the lot she saw her mother's tiny car. It took everything for Byul to not dash over there and leave YongSun to follow her, but she slowly lead them over to the car. Only when her mother was visible did Byul let go of YongSun and run to hug her mother.

Byul's mother had the largest grin on her face when she saw Byul coming for her. She opened her arms up wide and Byul ran into them, the smell of their home fulling her nose, as well as her mother's perfume. "ByulYi." Her mother said pulling back far enough to see her daughter's face. "You've lost more weight." She scolded her.

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