Off to town we go!

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YongSun stretched her arms out in front of her. She could feel the calling of the morning but she wasn't ready to answer it yet. She reached out to grab a hold of Byul, only to find nothing there. She opened her eyes. YongSun was in Byul's bed alone. She sat up slightly, smoothing her hair as she looked around the room looking for her girlfriend. Byul wasn't in her room either, the door was closed and YongSun was alone. YongSun reached for her phone to check the time, it was just past seven in the morning, where could Byul have gone this early?

YongSun slid from the bed. Even though it was summer now she could feel a chill in the air. She didn't want to go through her bag to find something to cover herself so she just pulled on the hoodie the Byul left on her desk. YongSun sleepily slipped into the hall, eyes sweeping, hoping to catch the familiar blonde haired girl near her so she could just drag her back to bed and cuddle. YongSun made it to the first floor and she still had not found Byul yet. She walked into the kitchen, she almost left because she didn't find what she was looking for, except her eye caught something out the window above the sink. YongSun could see Byul and SeulGi out in one of the fenced areas moving around some hay.

YongSun slipped her shoes on a made her way over to the fenced area. Once outside the wind washed over her, making her more cold than before. She crossed her arms around herself to keep warm. She made it to the fence, squinting against the morning sun as she looked for Byul. Once Byul saw her she broke into a grin and joined her at the fence, Byul climbed part of it, leaning down to YongSun. Byul gave her a quick peck on the lips and smiled more. "Hey baby, good morning." YongSun couldn't help herself but smile at the pet name, Byul had never called her that before. YongSun couldn't help but catch the look SeulGi was giving them, it was not a nice one. "You look so cute in my sweater." Byul said bringing YongSun's attention back to her.

YongSun scrunched up her face a bit. "What are you doing?" She couldn't help but sound child like, she was feeling needy and just wanted Byul to come lay back down with her.

Byul looked back to her sister. "I am helping SeulGI with her chores."

"How long are you going to be?" Again she sounded more whiny than she wanted but she was still half asleep.

Byul wiped sweat off her head. "Probably not much longer." She saw YongSun shiver against the wind. "Are you cold?" She asked as she tucked some of YongSun's hair behind her ear for her. YongSun nodded. "I don't think we will be that much longer, why don't you go make us all some tea? Mom should be up, I am sure she will help you. Then you can go inside and we will join you when we're done."

YongSun was still blinking away her fatigue but she nodded again. "Sounds good." She stifled a yawn.

Byul was suppressing a smile. "You're to cute." She leaned forward again to give her another kiss. "I will join you soon, go inside before you catch a cold." YongSun turned back toward the house and left Byul and SeulGi to finish their chores.


Byul's mother was already in the kitchen when she got back in the house. She was pulling things out of the fridge for breakfast. YongSun and her exchanged good mornings as she entered and YongSun asked her where the tea was. "Did Byul ask you to do that?" YongSun said yes and Mrs. Moon shook her head. "That girl needs to learn to make her own tea not send her poor girlfriend to do it." Girlfriend, that sounded odd coming from her but also kind of comforting.

YongSun started measuring out the tea. "I don't mind, her and SeulGi are out there working hard."

"I know I keep saying it." Mrs. Moon turned to her. "But I am glad Byul has you. You both seem to make each other happy."

YongSun couldn't help but smile. "Yes we do."

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" This took YongSun by surprise but she agreed. "Have you told your parents? What do they think you and Byul are?"

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