i. the consequences of making peace

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FOR THE RECORD, VIENNA EURELLE WAS NOT ONE TO SCARE EASILY. She was tough by nature, taught from a young age how to be kind, but to never let her guard down. As the only surviving family of a well-known Senator of the Galactic Republic, she knew all about the game of media attention and subtle threats, and had learned over the years to not let it bother her in the slightest.

As she stood around the hologram table in the capitol building of Serenne, however, staring at the end of the newest transmission, she couldn't help but feel...concerned, at the very least. She had readied herself for the extra security around Colin following his attempts to make peace with the Separatists, but it hadn't once occurred to her that they would pull her into the mess. Thinking back, she felt stupid for not considering it sooner; it all made sense, for she was the one person he cared about the most. But even so, it had caught her—and everyone else—by surprise, and she felt a shiver go down her spine just thinking about it.

Perhaps it was the way Dooku seemed eerily calm when he spoke of the threat on her life, or maybe it had something to do with him being a literal Sith Lord, but either way, she felt extremely grateful as the transmission ended and shut off, ridding her glistening eyes of the monstrosity that was the Separatists' Head of State.

Vienna turned to leave the room, but didn't get very far, for there were several armed guards standing by the doors, blocking her path. She had known this, of course, but the transmission had thrown her off, and reasonably so.

"Oh come on," she sighed, eyes turned up to the ceiling momentarily before fixing upon the two Serennian guards, who were standing in the way of her getting some much-needed fresh air.
"Can't I at least go out to the balcony?"

"We were given strict instructions by the Senator," the man on the right reported, though he sounded none too happy about it. His attitude probably had something to do with the hole that Vienna's gaze was burning into his soul.
"You are not to leave this room until he returns from Coruscant."

"Fine," the young woman huffed, spinning around with a dramatic flare and crossing the room, collapsing in a slightly-uncomfortable armchair.
"What's he even doing there, anyway?" she called to the guards, but wasn't surprised in the slightest when she received no response. Even if they knew, they surely would have been instructed not to tell her.
"Well he could at least have picked a room with windows."

"Windows pose the risk of a sniper," one of the guards replied matter-of-factly, and she rolled her eyes.

"Do you really think someone would go to that trouble?" she huffed, but her words were answered only with silence.

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