iv. luck and jealousy

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OBI-WAN WASN'T USED TO SURPRISES. Generally, he knew how things were going to go, how they would play out, how people would react, and so on. Since his arrival on Serenne, however, he was finding that a number of things were surprising him, many revolving around the fiery Vienna Eurelle.

When told they'd be protecting a senator's sister, he had expected someone...well, someone who most definitely was not Vienna. She was bold, and confident, and unafraid to speak her mind, but also kind, and caring, and unafraid to admit her fears. She also, as it turned out, didn't mind going out first thing in the morning to practice her shooting.

The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon as the pair stepped out of the elevator onto the third floor of the apartment building.

"If I may ask," Obi-Wan called up to Vienna as he followed after her through a long corridor.
"Why is it that you learned hand-to-hand but not how to shoot?"

"Serenne's a safe place, but we're not perfect. My mother wanted to make sure I could defend myself if need be, and that was the most effective option given the types of crimes that go on here. A blaster's meant for when situations go completely to hell, and I've never had to worry about that before until now."

"Do you think there might be a need for it?"

"Do you?" Vienna questioned, glancing back at him. She put up a facade of mere curiosity, but he could feel the concern within her.

"Let's hope not," he told her quietly, managing the faintest of reassuring smiles. She hesitated, searching him for a sign of doubt, and then turned and continued down the hall. The pair walked in silence for only a bit longer, as they soon arrived in front of a door at the end of the hall. Pushing past it, they entered the target room, complete with different lanes and a variety of blasters hung upon the wall.
"I have to say," said Obi-Wan, taking in his surroundings.
"I've never seen a target room quite like this one."

"The only people with access to this building are trusted by the government, they didn't feel the need to secure anything," Vienna explained, examining the wall of blasters. The Jedi joined her, standing beside her.
"I don't even know where to start," she murmured, and the man took one more thoughtful glance at the wall before taking a particular blaster from the center.

"Try this," he told her, handing it to the young woman as carefully as possible.
"Small, lightweight, overall easy to use. It would do you well to start with this one."

"Good idea," said Vienna, and it was humorously obvious that she did not understand the significance of his words in the slightest. The pair of them approached a lane, Obi-Wan standing just off Vienna's right shoulder. She fidgeted with the blaster, attempting to find the best way to hold it, and when she finally did that, she readied herself to fire, but nothing happened.
"What's going on?" she asked, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. It only took the Jedi a single glance at the blaster to understand the problem.

"The safety is still on," was his soft reply, though it took everything in him to hide his amusement. He reached over, his arm brushing against hers as he flicked the safety off.
"Now, try firing—" She didn't need to be told twice. Her aim would have been fine had it not been for her grip; the far wall absorbed the shot rather than the actual target. She winced.

"Oops?" Vienna whispered, and Obi-Wan had to stifle a laugh.
"Hey!" she exclaimed indignantly.
"It isn't like this is easy!"

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