viii. the rooftop garden

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FOR THE MOST PART, dinner had been an escape from the week's chaos, with the group talking and laughing about anything and everything except the threat against Vienna's life. She knew they were doing it for her, to give her a break from it all, for whenever it came up they danced around it and moved on, unable to refrain from glancing her way. She wanted to say she minded it, but she really didn't.

Only after the meal did they allow themselves to discuss it, but only when Vienna and TC were cleaning things up in the kitchen (they offered to help, but the pair insisted they were capable on their own). They were all gathered in the sitting room, their voices going hushed as it was brought up.

"We were hoping you would think of something we may have missed," said Obi-Wan to Padmé, who let out a sigh.

"I don't know what else there is to think," she began sadly.
"It's clear that Dooku won't be giving up easily, he'll just keep sending more men with every one you arrest. The only way to put a stop to it is show him that he's better off worrying about other things, that this fight isn't worth it, but even then, what's to say he'll listen?"

"So we just keep capturing the men he sends until he gives up, if he gives up?" Obi-Wan inquired, letting out a sigh afterwards. Padmé shared a fleeting glance with Anakin; neither had seen him like that with any other mission.
"Well, I suppose we'll just have to keep our guards up and focus on keeping her safe until we needn't worry anymore, won't we?"

"And there's nothing else we can do?" Anakin huffed.
"Can't we just do a show of force?"

"Not without cause," Obi-Wan reminded, though he sounded none too happy about it.

"This is getting ridiculous," sighed Colin, shaking his head.
"He must really be concerned about his people turning against him to press this hard."

"Oh he is," confirmed the Jedi Master.
"Whatever it is that he's planning, he needs the support of his people, otherwise he holds no power."

"Meaning if we give a show of force, he will retreat, right?" All eyes fell upon Vienna, whose elbows rested on the kitchen island, her torso leaned forward as she addressed the incredibly surprised group. They all exchanged sheepish glances.
"You were quiet, but not that quiet." No one said anything for a moment, far too uncomfortable to do so. Then, Obi-Wan broke the silence, speaking slowly.

"The only issue with that is we cannot make a show of force against the Separatists unless it is in defense."

"Then we wait until there's a need to defend," Vienna stated simply.
"Whether they blatantly make another attempt on my life or who knows what, they're bound to do something eventually from which we have no choice but to react."

"You know," murmured Anakin thoughtfully.
"She has a point. But it would be risky, just waiting around like that. Are we sure there's no other quicker course of action?"

"No," sighed Padmé.

"So we just use her as bait?" Colin piped up, looking about as irritated and worried as he sounded.
"You can't be serious."

"What other choice do we have?" his sister replied.
"And I'm willing to do it—it's not like it's any different than what's been happening to begin with." Colin looked as if he wanted to argue, but soon let out a sigh of resignation and leaned back in his seat.

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