vii. holding up

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VIENNA HAD LIVED ON SERENNE her whole life, and never once had she grown tired of staring out at the city as the sun set over the horizon. There was just something so beautiful and peaceful about the way the colors changed in the sky; it allowed her to take a moment, to breathe, to forget about all of her troubles—of which she had quite a few.

"I think you're missing the bigger issue here, Senator," huffed the Prime Minister. Vienna turned away from the window to see him standing at the table, his palms pressed flat against it as he stared at her brother. The meeting had been going on for over an hour at that point, and per usual, tension had grown more abundant with each passing minute.
"The bill is already supported by a majority, it will most likely pass whether you vote for it or not. You've gathered enough attention lately as it is, opposing it would be dangerous."

"But it isn't right," said Colin, who was standing at the opposite end of the table.
"This war needs to be stopped, not escalated, and that's exactly what this bill would do!"

"And it will pass with or without your vote." Auclair's gaze flicked to Vienna, and he leaned forward, lowering his voice.
"You need to think about your family, Colin."

"I am. I'm not the only one who opposes this, you know. Padmé Amidala, Bail Organa—"

"Yes, all of the Senators that want to change the world for the better rather than gain more power, I know, but when was the last time one of their crusades succeeded? And do you recall how many times they've been thrown into danger because of their attempts? It's noble, yes, but sometimes one needs to focus on their own safety."

"My job is to do what is right for Serenne."

"And Serenne would be far worse off if you or Vienna were killed because of a futile fight." A harsh silence followed that comment as they all let it sink in.

The meeting ended five minutes later with Colin promising he wouldn't oppose the new bill, and the siblings were still in the meeting room, awaiting the arrival of the Jedi. The sun had fallen completely behind the city's horizon, the few remaining streaks of color fading away by the moment. Vienna was back to staring out the window, though she wasn't able to focus on the beauty as much as before.

Colin crossed the room to stand beside her, and neither of them spoke for a long while, staring out and letting their thoughts run wildly throughout their heads.

"I'm sorry," said the man, pulling Vienna from her thoughts.

"For what?" While she looked at him, he kept his gaze fixed on the city that surrounded them.

"For not doing enough to protect you all these years."

"Colin—" she sighed, but he cut her off, turning to face her.

"No, I'm serious. We've always been in the public eye, and mom was always great at keeping us as far away from the chaos as possible, but I haven't been able to do that. Ever since I was elected, you've been at the forefront, getting hit with everything. You've had to put up with so much because of me." Vienna sighed.

"You're looking at it the wrong way. Everything you've done to bring us attention has been for the better, whether for Serenne or the entire Republic. You've been making a difference, Colin, much more of one than you could've had you just kept quiet for my sake."

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