x. hope

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THE LAST THING VIENNA REMEMBERED, she had stolen a glance out at the Serennian sky before being forced onto a ship. They must have sedated her, because as she awoke she felt groggier than ever before. She slowly pushed herself to a sitting position, ignoring the lightheadedness that came with the motion, and it was then that she noticed the bright red ray shields that separated her from the rest of the room. Standing in the center of the room was a tall man, but even with his back to her, she already knew who it was.

Dooku must have heard her stir, as he turned to face her, taking a few steps in the direction of her cell. Vienna would have been terrified, but the previous words of the guard wafted back into her mind: they didn't plan on killing her, at least not yet. The most terrifying part of the whole situation had been the fear of death, therefore she didn't have anything to be afraid of. And, with her fear subsided for the time being (for the most part, anyway), all that was left was bitterness and anger.

"Nice place," she called to him with an immense amount of sarcasm.
"The ray shields really go with the color of the walls."

"Ms. Eurelle," the man greeted, standing with his arms behind his back.
"You're as charming as people say. And as troublesome, of course." She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Let me out of this cell and I'll show you how troublesome I can really be," she threatened, and while many others would have backed down, he was completely unfazed by her words. In fact, he ignored them entirely and began to slowly pace back and forth in front of her cell.

"You and your brother have caused the Confederacy a great deal of trouble, Ms. Eurelle, but lucky for you you're no longer our priority, which is why you've lasted this long." That caught her attention; she leaned forward with interest.

"Then why am I here?" The Sith Lord chuckled, much to her unease. He stopped pacing and crouched down to meet her gaze.

"As bait," he told her simply, and when it was clear she didn't understand, he stood once more and began to elaborate.
"You see, the original plan was to force your brother to end his little peace talks, but if we killed you right then, there would have been no more leverage. So we staged several attempts—you didn't really think the pair in the marketplace failed on accident, did you?" She had figured the shot was used for distraction, but had found it weird that she had been attacked with the Jedi right there...
"During that first transmission after I had to terminate our chatty bounty hunter, I came across a valuable piece of information: Obi-Wan Kenobi's obvious feelings towards you." It was then that she finally understood, her eyes going wide. Dooku smiled at her reaction, and continued anyway.
"So we adapted. A plan was put into place where we would keep up the charade as to avoid suspicion, and then we would take you here. We will send our demands, and the Jedi will trace us here, where they will both meet their deaths trying to save you."

"No!" Vienna shouted, springing to her feet, but even in the confines of the cell she didn't get far. Dooku reached out a hand and pushed her back with the Force, restraining her against the wall even as she struggled.
"You can't!" Her suffering seemed to bring him joy, and he stood directly in front of the ray shields, wearing a wicked smirk.

"Oh, but I can, and I will enjoy it. So you will die, yes, but not until I have the Jedi in my grasp—or sooner if you choose not to cooperate. Until then..." He released his control, sending her crashing to the ground and leaving the room without another word.

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