vi. taking risks

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SAY WHAT YOU WILL about the Jedi, but at that point in the war there were still a few that upheld everything the Jedi Order stood for (or at least, what it was meant to stand for). Among those Jedi was Obi-Wan Kenobi; a peacekeeper at heart, he would only fight or kill when it was absolutely necessary, and he would never let his emotions cloud his judgement, regardless of how strong they happened to be at the time.

He thought of these emotions as he attempted to meditate that afternoon, shortly after another shooting lesson with Vienna. Meditation was his way of connecting with the Force and confronting his issues, but strangely enough, he hadn't been able to focus much at all right then, hence the reason why he was only attempting to meditate rather than succeeding.

He knew that Vienna was the cause of this, there was no denying it; she was in his thoughts, and no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't seem to get her out. Whenever he closed his eyes, all he could see was that dazzling smile of hers, her beautiful eyes glistening with joy after she had successfully hit the target three times in a row with her small blaster.

It wasn't as if he had managed to keep his life void of all attachments; Qui-Gon had been something of a father figure to him, and Anakin was like the little brother he never wanted (and he meant in the nicest way possible, of course). But forming a romantic attachment was another thing entirely. He knew the chances of him falling to the Dark side were slim, but he couldn't rule it out entirely when he simply didn't know what would happen. There was a reason those sort of attachments were forbidden, if he broke that rule, what would that make him?

Or was he simply trying to talk himself out of it?

The rules had been set in place thousands of years ago when the Jedi Order had been formed, so much had changed since then. There was compassion, yes, but attachments were shown to make someone stronger, not weaker. Furthermore, he had nearly risked it all once in his youth back on Mandalore, why shouldn't he risk it for someone else?

Obi-Wan shook his head to himself, standing up from the floor and giving up on meditation for the time being. He was being ridiculous; he had only known the young woman for how long? Four days? But then again, he couldn't deny his feelings...

"Obi-Wan, I—are you all right?" Anakin had entered the room, stopping in his tracks as he saw his master clearly lost in his thoughts. The older of the two let out a slow breath, then nodded.

"Yes, I'm fine. What is it, Anakin?"

"The droid found something."

"The droid?" Obi-Wan repeated, tone lined with surprise, and the younger man shrugged, leading him out into the main room. There stood TC-13 with Colin and Vienna by his side, the three of them staring down at the datapad in the droid's hands. Voices were coming from it; two to be precise.

"Master Kenobi," began TC, his voice hushed.
"I was scanning for nearby com channels in case our criminal decided to make contact with someone, and I found something." No one spoke after that, all five of them focused on the voices coming from the datapad.

"...a plan like that will be risky. We'll only have approximately twelve seconds from when she leaves the building to when she's aboard the shuttle," a man's voice said matter-of-factly.
"You sure you can handle something like that?"

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