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FOR THE RECORD, VIENNA EURELLE WAS NOT ONE TO SCARE EASILY. She was tough by nature, taught from a young age how to be kind, but to never let her guard down. As the only surviving family of a well-known Senator of the Galactic Republic, she knew all about the game of media attention and subtle threats, and had learned over the years to not let it bother her in the slightest.

As she stood around the hologram table in the capitol building of Serenne, however, staring at the end of the newest transmission, she could say for certainty that she was terrified. The Republic was finished. Everything it stood for was in ruins, replaced with a sinister new Empire. Perhaps it was because she had once known a few Jedi, but she didn't believe Palpatine's story one bit. The thought that the galaxy's peacemakers could have committed such serious treason as to call for mass execution...it couldn't have been further from the truth and she knew it.

But she couldn't save them. The Jedi were dead, and the few who survived would be 'hunted down and defeated,' as Palpatine had said in the very meeting Colin had just attended. That was the real reason tears fell from her eyes; she wept not for the Republic, but for the Jedi-for one specific Jedi, really. She could rebel, she could make speeches and help fighters and do her part to see that the Empire would not last, but she couldn't bring the Jedi back-she couldn't bring him back.

Vienna didn't say much that next day, and when Colin returned home from Coruscant he didn't say much either. TC-13 was unusually quiet, for he knew the two people he cared most about were grieving and knew it was best to give them time. Colin said he'd continue being a senator, that he'd do what he could to make the Empire into something hospitable, but they both knew there was only so much that could be done on the senate floor.

She wasn't sure what made her go to the marketplace later that afternoon, perhaps it was her memories of her time spent with Obi-Wan or perhaps she merely needed to be reminded of the good in humanity. Regardless, she headed down with TC and let herself get swept up by the art held within each stall. Her gaze lingered longer than usual at each painting, her fingers grazing each and every textile, admiring its handcrafted nature. It reminded her that there was still good in the galaxy, and that there would still be good even after the Empire decided to show its true colors.

She gave TC a general list of a few things they needed and sent him on his way, more so she could have some time alone than anything else. It wasn't that she minded his presence, because she loved that droid, but she needed to be alone, to experience and think and grieve on her own, even if only for a few minutes. She thought of what Colin would say if he knew she walked around the marketplace on her own (because while many things had changed, his protectiveness had not), and it was as she was thinking that that a hand reached around her, clasping over her mouth.

She tried to scream, but the sound was muffled and she was pulled down an alley. Wishing more than anything that she had decided to carry a blaster, Vienna prepared herself to fight when she was spun around and held against the wall, and in an instant all of her fear washed away. Standing before her was none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi himself, one hand over her mouth and the other holding a finger to his lips, signaling for her to keep quiet. He let go of her the moment he knew she had seen him, his lips twitching up just slightly at the sight of her.

"Obi-Wan," she stuttered out, eyes wide and mouth agape as she took in his presence. At first she thought she was seeing things, but she knew that wasn't possible. He was alive and he was standing right in front of her. She practically threw herself at him and the couple shared a tight embrace. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, then they pulled away, but still kept each other at arm's length.
"They-They said-"

"I know. The clones under my command turned against me, I managed to escape. I can't stay long, but I needed to make sure you were all right." They let go of one another, but only so they could link hands, standing just as they had back in her apartment back when things were easier, not that they had known it at the time.

"They're going to be hunting you, aren't they?" He nodded solemnly.

"There is a child, a young boy I must protect. I can't give specifics, but if the Empire learns of his existence..." He trailed off, and she knew the result certainly wouldn't be ideal. He released her hands, digging into a pocket and withdrawing a personal commlink, one he folded into her hands.
"For emergencies only. If you get caught communicating with me, they'll-"

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me," she reassured him softly. She placed the commlink at the bottom of her macrame bag.
"I wish you could stay."

"I wish I could too," he murmured, his gaze falling to the ground beneath them. Vienna was no Jedi by any means, but she could tell something had happened, something other than the clones turning against him, and whatever it was had affected him deeply. She took one of his hands in both of hers, drawing his eyes back up to meet hers. He heard movement from outside their alley, people merely passing by, and made sure to shield his face as they passed. It was a cruel reminder of how he would have to live the rest of his life. It was a reminder to both of them.

"You have to go," Vienna murmured, sounding none too happy about it, and he nodded, but made no effort to leave. He wanted to stay there with her, to live a life he felt he no longer deserved, one of happiness and joy and peace. But he couldn't, and he knew that. They exchanged one last kiss, one as gentle as the one they shared back at the apartment after the rescue.

"Be safe." The way he said those words made them hold far more weight than they would on their own.

"You too." And with one last glance, they released each other and Vienna went back into the noise of the marketplace.

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The fact that this is the happiest ending we could get :')

Anyway !!! We're done !!! I hope you guys loved this story, thanks for sticking with it with me <3 feel free to check out my other fics, I've got a few more Star Wars ones. Ilysm

love, elle

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