ii. marketplace mayhem

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VIENNA WAS AN EARLY-RISER; she had been for as long as she could remember. It wasn't as if she even wanted to get up at dawn every day, yet there she was that next morning just like every other, throwing on a cardigan and stepping out into the dimly-lit hallway.

Through the window that ran the length of the hall, she could see the sun peeking up over the horizon, readying itself for the day just as she was—the only difference was that the sun didn't have to worry about a threat on its life.

Colin generally woke up an hour or so after she did, so she was used to being the first one around every morning...which, of course, made it even more surprising to see another figure standing in the kitchen as she entered the main room.

"Master Kenobi," she greeted, an air of surprise about her. It was in her tone, in the way she stood with her head cocked ever-so-slightly; she had known at least one of them would be floating about, but it was definitely something she'd have to get used to for the foreseeable future.

"Obi-Wan, please," he corrected warmly, turning around to face her with a mug of coffee in his hands.
"Anakin took the first shift last night, I've been up for an hour or so." She nodded in understanding, entering the kitchen to pour some coffee for herself.
"Are you always up this early?"

"I am." He took a long sip from his mug, unsure of what to say next. He had always been hesitant when talking to those they were protecting; he didn't want to say the wrong thing and upset them, because while he was skilled in many things, tact wasn't always one of them.

The pair of them stood in silence for quite some time—well, a few minutes or so, anyway—sipping on their coffee and staring out at the city. Much to both of their surprise, Vienna was the one who broke the silence.

"What's Dooku's endgame?" she asked suddenly, throwing Obi-Wan completely off-guard.
"I mean, you'd think he'd want the war to end if he was a half-decent leader."

"Which he isn't."

"Exactly," she sighed.
"So what is he looking to gain out of this war?" Obi-Wan hesitated slightly, deciding whether it was in anyone's best interest for him to talk of this with her. The look on her face, however, convinced him he should.

"We believe he is looking to take over the Republic." Vienna's eyes widened dramatically, but not in fear the way he had expected.

"Does he really think his little droid army's going to help him take over the Republic?" A smirk rose upon Obi-Wan's lips; she most certainly wasn't what he had expected.

"He may have something else up his sleeve. I knew him when he was a Jedi, he was a cunning warrior—he still is."

"And the CIS is just letting him do this?"

"What other choice do they have? He may be bad, but in their opinion the Republic is worse."

"So they'd rather be under the rule of someone who wants to keep this war going?"

"I agree, it makes no sense," Obi-Wan sighed, resting his elbows on the island counter, facing her.
"Dooku's got nothing but his own interests at heart, and he will do anything to achieve his ultimate goal, whether that be taking over the Republic or something else entirely." Vienna's eyes downcast, she stared down at her bare feet on the cool wooden floor.
"I'm sorry, this isn't necessarily the most reassuring conversation, is it?" She looked back up at him, meeting his gaze.

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