xi. the rescue

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THE SHIP WAS TENSELY SILENT as they travelled through hyperspace. TC-13 piloted it, Anakin found comfort in the copilot's seat, and Obi-Wan sat as far away from them as he could, staring into nothingness in a way that deeply concerned his Padawan.

Anakin could say with certainty that he had never seen his Master like that before. He was concerned and scared, but also slightly angry. Part of him was sad, too, for he couldn't imagine how terrified Vienna must be, even if she probably wouldn't admit it even to herself. Then, of course, there was the guilt; he knew he couldn't have done anything to prevent it, and he knew he did everything he could, but he still believed he could have done something-anything.

Obi-Wan kept replaying the events of the past week in his head over and over again. He recalled each transmission, each attempt, and found himself looking back to his moments with Vienna. No matter how many good memories he went to, though, he would always wind up back in that hallway when everything went wrong. He could see the fear in Vienna's wide eyes, the blaster being held to her side-all of in in vivid detail. The worst part? He knew that the chances of a successful mission were-

"We will be exiting hyperspace in precisely two minutes," TC announced quietly to the two Jedi, tearing them both from their thoughts. Anakin opened his mouth to say something to Obi-Wan, but he didn't get the chance; at that very moment, a compartment in the ship opened and out came none other than Colin Eurelle, brushing himself off. Obi-Wan and Anakin both gaped at him, but he seemed unbothered by it.

"Senator-" the older Jedi finally managed to get out, for the man's sudden appearance so soon after being trapped in his thoughts had thrown him completely off balance. Luckily, Colin saved him the trouble of saying anything else.

"I know I shouldn't be here, but I couldn't just sit there while you all went to save Vienna. I need to be here, if for no other reason than to make sure she's all right. I owe her that much." The two Jedi exchanged a glance, then Obi-Wan sighed; he understood where Colin was coming from, then more than ever.

"Well since you're here, you can keep watch with TC while we're looking for her." Colin gave him a nod of thanks.

The ship dropped out of hyperspace moments later and all of them moved to stand behind the pilots' seats, staring out at the planet before them. It was as they approached that each and every one of them felt a sudden wave of unease wash over them, for the impending mission became realer the closer they came to the planet in question.

"Not a single warship," Anakin murmured, more in shock than anything else.
"I think it's safe to say he knew we were coming."

"I don't suppose either of you have a proper plan, do you?" Colin asked nervously, though he was fairly certain he already knew the answer.

"I'll let you know when I figure it out," murmured Obi-Wan, doing all he could to hide his own fear for the sake of the others. Honestly, he didn't have a plan, which terrified him because he almost always had a plan before rushing in somewhere. But this situation, it was different. The stakes were higher, he didn't necessarily have time to come up with a proper plan. He knew he'd figure it out, that wasn't the part that worried him-he was more concerned as to whether he'd succeed or not.

They landed in a forest near the facility, hiding amongst the trees as to avoid detection (not that that was an issue, as the Separatists were surely watching their every move). Obi-Wan turned to TC and Colin.

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