ix. worst case scenario

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IT HAD BEEN FOUR DAYS since the last attempt by the Separatists (two since the moment on the rooftop), and everyone was beginning to grow concerned—well, more concerned than they had already been, anyway. The men they had captured the last time still refused to give any information (assuming they even had any to give), and TC hadn't heard a single thing on the comm channels; there was nothing to go on, no sign that something else was in the works. Whatever it was they were planning, they were doing so while taking every necessary precaution—and that was worrisome.

Nevertheless, the two Jedi took it upon themselves to keep the others at ease, putting on brave faces and discussing the matter only when no one else was around. The Eurelles, however, were anything but stupid and saw right through them, but were still reassured by their attempt at optimism.

Vienna had dragged Obi-Wan down to the practice range that morning for yet another round of shooting practice, because if nothing else being proficient with a blaster made her feel like she could protect herself better. It was as they were leaving that Colin came in for some practice himself, which caused a bit of excitement. In the end he decided that, while he didn't exactly care for the idea of his sister thinking she needed a blaster to protect herself, he wanted her to feel safe, and if that meant learning to shoot then so be it—after all, he didn't exactly have room to talk seeing as he was now carrying a blaster at all times to protect her.

The only things keeping Vienna's spirits up were the few moments she was able to get alone with Obi-Wan. It was then that they didn't have to worry about keeping a secret; they could say and do whatever they wanted without the fear of being noticed (not that they really had to worry about Colin or Anakin telling the council anyway). They both found it strange how right it felt bring together, especially when they had only known each other for such a short amount of time. Neither were impulsive by any means when it came to their personal lives—this was the first time either of them had jumped headfirst into anything of the sort. At its core, their meeting had been something along the lines of "right place right time". It was one of the few times chance had worked out for either one of them.

They had each gone over every scenario they could think of in their heads, but no matter what they thought of, they couldn't figure out what the Separatists were planning. The Eurelles hardly left the apartment and were always in either the building or the capital—there was virtually no way they could get to Vienna...and yet they had to be planning something.

"They can't have just given up," said Colin, who had taken to pacing back and forth that particular early afternoon. They were all gathered in the sitting room, and what had begun as a casual conversation had turned into a strategy meeting in which they tried to make sense of it all.
"They're planning something, but what? Are they still plotting, or are they waiting for the right moment to strike?" At first, they had all attempted to tiptoe around the subject when Vienna was nearby, but she had told them off for it so many times that they had since given up.

"They're most likely hoping we will lower our guard if they wait longer—which, of course, we will not," said Obi-Wan thoughtfully.

"This is getting ridiculous," Vienna sighed, for she—much like the rest of them—was growing impatient with the whole situation. She wanted it to be done and over with, she wanted to be free of the constant worry and concern.
"Even if they do make a move, what's to say we'll be able to act on it and get them to back off for good? What's to say they won't just keep coming back until the job is done?"

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