Chapter 6

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"Emma!" David yelled.

I stood up smiled and walked to my tent to lie down. That was amusing, David had it coming for him.
.............................................................Hook's pov:

It has almost been 24 hours, I need to go to Pan and get Neal back it is the only way Henry will be happy. I start to walk to Pan's camp without Emma seeing me because I know she will object but Mary Margret catches me and comes over to me.

"Where are you going?" she said.

"To get Neal back." I replied .

"You know Emma will like you no matter what, you don't need to do this we can find another way."

"So far we have nothing I can't let Henry live without a father, it messes a boy up more than you can imagine."

"Well do what you want but Emma will be beyond upset."

"That is why your not going to tell her." I said harshly

"You can't do that to her she has lost too much Hook, I am afraid that if you leave her she will put her walls up again and shut everyone out. That can't happen."

I just walked away towards Pan's camp.

"Come out you little devil!" I shout

"Well well look who's here, you ready to surrender?"

"Yes, now let him go!" I shouted.

"Or you will deal with us!" I heard Mary Margret shout.

I turn around and see Mary Margret, Regina,David and Emma I was shocked. Emma looked furious at me.

"Well well I'd better give you him then." Pan says

We got Neal, I'm wondering if Emma still has feelings for him.we got back to camp and I see Emma talking to Neal at the back of camp and then they hug and she kisses his cheek.

Emma's pov:

I went over to Neal to tell him about me and Hook I figured he needed to know.

"Hey Neal? Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure anything for you."

"Well me and Hook ummmm uh kissed." He looked heart broken.

"Yeah I understand I should have been there for you all those years back with Henry and everything, I am sorry Emma, I hope you know that."

"Yes I know you are but we both need to move on. Thank you."

I said feeling a little guilty. I leaned in and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, maybe that was a little too far. I could tell Hook was watching, oh great.

I walked back to my tent to be greeted by Hook.

"What the hell was that?" he said

"Do I detect a little jealousy, technically we are not dating." I replied messing with him a little.

"Swan." he said aggravated.

"Don't worry." I said pecking him on the lips to reassure him.

He blushed slightly and I'm sure I did too. I thought it was sweet. he is such a gentleman when he is around me.

Ugh it is getting dark, I haven't been sleeping lately with everything going on so I went to sit by the fire with everyone, a good distance away from Ho- Killian so that David wouldn't get mad. But next thing I know Killian is coming over to sit beside me because I am shivering. I see mom an David share glances at each other before Killian sits down beside me and puts his big leather jacket over my shoulders, I immediately take comfort in his warm jacket and rest my head on his shoulder. David walks away in a puff and goes to lie down.

"Swan you need to lie down, you haven't been getting much sleep lately." he commands

"Ugh." I say and walk to the tent, he comes behind and kisses me on my neck.

"Goodnight swan."

And then David gets up and shoves Killian to his tent, at this point I am already dozing off.

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