Martha is Missing! (Detective Macca)

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Ah, yet another rainy day in Liverpool. I rub my eyes, seizing the day. Today, I had to meet the lads in the studio for a recording session. I wrote a new song that I shared with John the night before.

Paul: Martha! I'm leaving now, silly girl. I gave you some more food and it's downstairs if you want it.

There was no answer. Hmm, that's strange. Usually she's all over me before I close the door. Maybe she's still asleep? That's unlikely. She usually sleeps on the edge of my bed and...wait...I didn't see her there either.

Ok, now things look bad. I frantically search the house for her, but it was no use. My beloved sheepdog is gone.

There's only one thing to do...

Detective Macca.

At the studio...

Detective Macca: Lads! We've got a big problem!

John: Well it's about time, Paul! We've been waiting half an hour for you! What took so long?

George: I think you should look at what he's wearing...

John: *glances at Paul's costume* Oh no, not again!

Detective Macca: Yes, Lennon. Again. You see, this morning I woke up to Martha's absence. I was wondering if any of you lads had anything to do with it...

John: Paul, we didn't even know-

Detective Macca: Ah, ah, ah, Johnny. What's my name?

John: *groans* Detective Macca, we didn't even know about this until you brought it up!

Detective Macca: Alright, I'll clear your suspicions for now. But that also means that you're all on my side.

Ringo: We get to be detectives too?

Detective Macca: Yep! I even brought a few spare coats I had in my closet.

John: Great...

Detective Macca: This is your only chance to come up with a name for yourselves.

Silence. Nobody spoke up. Well, maybe one day I'll come up with names of my own...

Detective Macca: Alright then. Nobody wants to be gear. We'll just have to give you generic code names.

I wished they would have been clever enough to sound like gear spies, but no, I made them like secret agents:

John- Detective 1
George- Detective 2
Ringo- Detective 3

Detective 3: Why are we just numbers while you have your nickname?

Detective Macca: Because I'm the leader. And people think it sounds fab. Quit whining, we have work to do.

I brought my three beginner detectives to my house, Martha still nowhere in sight.

Detective 1: So what evidence do you have? How do you know that she isn't here? She could be hiding.

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