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Word count: 2413

Chapter warnings: Mild language


"I don't know, it's like nobody knows how to be spontaneous anymore." She complained as she took another bite of her lunch, causing her companion to laugh as crumbs spilled from her lips. He sat across from her in the dimly lit restaurant, clean black shirt a stark contrast to the gritty red of the bench. His laughing showed off his perfectly straight, white teeth, lines forming near the corners of his eyes and crappy LED overheads reflecting off his skin. "It's not funny!" She protested as he put up his hands in surrender.

"I know, I know! I'm not laughing at you-"

"Then what are you laughing at?" She grumbled.

"You may have a point," he said, completely ignoring her question. "There's no real randomness to life, we plan everything out."

"That's what I'm saying!" She exclaimed again. "If we want to go somewhere, we can't just do it. We have to text Jisung, and then Changbin, and then find a time that works for everyone, and then pick a place that everyone already knows they like, and then inevitably change the plan when someone can't make it." Changbin and Jisung were their two other closest friends. She'd known them for years, and they all had a pretty loose friendship, the kind of people you could not talk to for weeks and then still be cool with when you met up. They were often busy, so this was the case on most days, but she was always excited to get to hang out with them, even if it could rarely ever be done as a group. Case in point, she was currently eating lunch with Chan alone.

"I mean, that's just life, though." He shrugged. "If everything were spontaneous, nothing would work."

"Says you." She mocked him jokingly, "You 'spontaneously' decide to not sleep four days a week."

"That doesn't count, I'm busy," he argued,

"Yeah, yeah, everyone's busy." Her lip settled into a pout as he sighed.

"Well, then let's do something spontaneous." Her eyes lit up as she sat a little straighter in her side of the bench.

"Like what?"

"Whatever you want."

"I mean, how much time do we have?" She questioned. Laughing, he shook his head,

"No, see, now you're planning it again. You're the one who was complaining that everything's so rigid."

"I guess, but-"

"No buts!" He proclaimed, standing up suddenly. He nearly tripped trying to step out of the booth, sending her into another minor fit of laughter, but he recovered easily, putting a hand on his side like a cartoon superhero. "Let's go!"

"Go where?" She asked, still laughing.

"Doesn't matter!" He said loudly enough to turn a few heads, spinning and walking towards the doors. She rolled her eyes and quickly gathered her belongings, following him out a little embarrassedly. He practically sprinted to the front row of the lot where his car was parked.

"Maybe you should spontaneously invest in a new car!" She suggested sarcastically as she pulled at the creaky door handle. He didn't even want a car to begin with, but as his preferred studio work times got more and more wildly late at night, he was having less and less luck in finding rides. Finally, he dumped a few hundred bucks into an old piece of shit Subaru. It barely worked, but barely was good enough to get him where he was going.

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