Luke Hemmings

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Here's a quick imagine! I was bored and Luke came to mind :P


Luke was coming home from tour today. He was coming soon, so you had cleaned up the house and eaten a quick lunch. It was 3:00pm and Luke said he was coming home around 7-7:30pm. You had turned on the TV and flipped through channels. You came across the Celebrity news channel (Idk what they're called sowwy!). The headline said: LUKE HEMMINGS; DID HE CHEAT? The screen showed pictures of Luke with another girl. They were walking together in a park. At first you thought, that they were just making it seem like he cheated, he was probably just hanging out with a friend. The pictures on the screen changed and that's when you froze. You held your breath and tears started to fall from your eyes. You saw a picture of Luke kissing her, his arms wrapped around her waist and her arms wound around his neck. You're first thought was not: He cheated, or How could he do this to me? I trusted him! No, you're first thought was: There has got to be an explanation for this. So you waited, and waited until he got home. Luke got home at about 8:00pm.

"Hey babe!" He said as he entered the house. You gave him a half smile and he frowned. "What happened?" He asked concerned. This was it, you've got to confront him.

"I was watching TV today," You started to say, but paused and looked up at Luke. There was nothing in his eyes. Not even happiness to see you. But you continued none the less. "and I came across an interesting headline that caught my eye." You said slowly as you looked at your lap. You could feel his eyes as Luke looked at you

"Oh, and what was the headline?" He asked. You were about to tell him and thought otherwise. Why tell him, when you could just show it to him? You looked back up at Luke.

"Come on. I'l show you." You said nervously. He followed you up to your bedroom, and got excited. "We're not doing anything Luke." You said with sadness laced in your voice, but it was faint enough that only you could detect it. As you entered the room, you dragged the tall blonde boy to your computer. You searched up the headline and showed it to him. A look of guilt flashed across his face, but was covered up with a tight smile.

"Seriously babe? You actually believe this? It's obviously photo-shop" He told you, his voice being a lot higher than normal. You knew he was lying when that happened. You gave Luke a pointed look and he gave in soon enough. "I'm sorry (Y/N). I didn't know that you'd read that, I was hoping you wouldn't find out..." He paused. You shook your head at him.

"What was the first thing I made you promise, when this relationship started Luke?" You asked, your voice wavering. Luke looked confused.

"Don't Lie, Don't Cheat, and Don't make promises you can't keep." He said softly.

"You lied to me Luke, by telling me that it was nothing. You cheated on me, with someone I don't even know! And you broke two promises to me." You said angrily.

"Two?" Luke asked.

"Two. 1) You promised you wouldn't make a promise you couldn't keep, and you broke that one. 2) You promised that you loved me." You said reason number two with a shaking voice. Luke's face flashed up.

"I still love you." He whispered. You scoffed.

"Do you know, I doubt this would've happened if you actually loved me." You said venomously.

"I-I..." Luke stuttered.

"Bye, Luke. I'm leaving." You said bluntly.

"What?" He said with shock laced in this voice.

"You heard me Luke, I'm leaving." You told him as you packed your stuff.


Luke had left your room, to give you some alone time, and to pack. Once you were done, you headed downstairs. You opened the door to leave when you heard shuffling.

"Please don't leave" He whispered softly, but loud enough for you to hear.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't." You told him as you turned around.

"I don't have any good reasons (Y/N), but please believe me when I say I didn't mean to do this. I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't know it would break you like this." He said as his voice broke. At this point you had tears streaming down your face.

"You think I want to leave Luke?! No. I DO NOT. But what choice do I have? How do I know I can trust you again. How do I know you won't do this again." You said your voice quivering.

"I didn't know!" He exclaimed!

"YOU DIDN'T KNOW?!" You shouted.

"YOU KNEW DAMN WELL WHAT YOU WERE DOING. YOU KNEW DAM WELL WHO YOU WERE BREAKING." You shouted in anger as you shuffled, a sobbing mess, and slammed the door behind you.

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XOX Princess

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