Louis Tomlinson

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Hellooooo, I thought I'd write a Louis Tomlinson one, cause I'm bored and I saw a pic of Louis and ya. :))) Triple Chin. Kay HERE WE GO:

You entered your house after a long day at work. Your job was torture, you worked long today. Your boyfriend, Louis was on tour with the rest of his band mates. Only two weeks left, and you'd be reunited with your love. You smiled as you remembered Louis' way of making you laugh, he's make the most obnoxious face, but it would kill you inside and you could never hold in the laughter. You seemed to be missing him a lot. You slowly trudged to your room, and got changed. You heard your phone vibrate, Heyyyyyy! You haven't hung out with us in a while, come on! We're going out for a girls night! xx (Y/BF/N). You thought about it, you hadn't hung out with your friends in a long time. You really wanted to, but you just weren't in the mood. You're head was hurting and you were missing Louis. You replied a with a quick Sorry, can't! Busy tonight! xx Y/N. Better to tell them that, than them asking you what's wrong. As you entered the large room that you and Louis shared you couldn't help but stare at it. It seemed so empty. God you were sad. You missed Louis so much, so much, you were almost positive you need to see a doctor. But you decided against it, and went to get changed. You exited the bathroom wearing, a pair of fuzzy pink socks, warm long monkey pajama pants and a plain white tank-top. You went to fix yourself dinner as you heard the doorbell ring. It rang a few more times, as you went to open the door. You opened the door, thinking Who is disturbing me this frickin late at night, I had a long day, I miss my boyfriend and I am tired! You were pretty sure, the thought was written all over your expression. The figure standing at the door was turned around. You cleared your throat. "Excuse me?" You tried to say without sounding impolite. The figure turned around and you gasped. "LOUIS!" You screamed happily. He laughed out loud and looked at you. "Shh, we don't want the neighbour's to hear. Now do we?" He teased, and then grinned. You swatted his shoulder, "Shut up, you dirty idiot." You said while giggling. He chuckled. You gasped in realization, "Wait, Louis? You weren't supposed to come back for another two weeks? Not that I'm complaining, but..." You paused. He smiled, and looked at you. "Let's go inside, I'm freezing cold, and I don't want to die of hypothermia." He told you. You pulled him in the house. "So, why are you here so early?" You asked him. "Want me to leave so soon?" He joked. "NOOOOOOU! Don't go again." You pouted and hugged him. He chuckled while putting his arm around your waist. "Well..." He started his explanation on why he was home so early. Apparently he had been depressed over not seeing you, which made you smile when you heard it, so they sent him home so that he could be happy. "So, love..." he said in his adorable British accent, "they are allowing you to come on the last two weeks of tour." He shouted and then smiled. You gasped in surprise. "Really?!" He looked at you, "Duh. They know that I'd be nowhere without my angel." He said gently.

You smiled at him. He looked down at you and just stared. "Whatever made you choose me? You have a million screaming girls out there for you, that are so much better than me. So what made you choose me, out of all those girls, why me?" You asked. He slowly smiled and looked back up. "I didn't choose you." He paused and you looked at him in confusion. "My heart did." He whispered softly, but just loud enough for you to hear. You just smiled and snuggled in closer.

Hi guyssss! Sorry that imagine wasn't as good as the ones I normally write, but I've had writer's block for the past few days, so I've just been posting old imagines I've written.

Anyways, Hopefully you guys liked this one!

Go ahead and comment a request for an imagine,

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And yano follow meh. :))) Triple Chin

Thnx for all guys!

XOX Princess

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