Preference #3: One Direction: Nicknames

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Hi guys, I'm doing a 1D one cause I'm bored.  Also, I'll do other Preferences too, but for now, I'm getting nicknames out of the way.  So next few preferences will be nicknames, just a warning. 


Harry Styles (Cupcake):  Harry's nickname for you would be cupcake.  The name suits you personality wise, you're sweet and almost everybody loves you.  Harry also loves to bake, so he came up with the name while the both of you were baking cupcakes. The name isn't used all the time, because he's scared if he uses your nickname too much other people will call you that too.  It's a reserved name.  Only Harry can use it.  Only him.  While the name isn't used all the time, it's used a lot.  Mostly when the both of you are alone or when he's talking directly to you.

Zayn Malik (Angel):  Zayn's nickname for you would be angel.  The name came to him when he got into a car accident (I'm sorry!).  The doctor's had told you he wouldn't survive because his heart couldn't beat strong enough.  You had stayed overnight with him in the hospital, despite the protests of the doctors and nurses.  The next morning you woke up to Zayn smiling at you.  From then onward he started calling you angel.  You had saved him, and become his own angel sent down from heaven.  He wanted the world to know it.  He calls you angel everywhere.  He doesn't know you by your name anymore, now you're angel.

Liam Payne (Babe):  Liam has multiple nicknames for you, but the one he uses the most is babe.  It's not exactly a nickname that came to him.  Liam just likes calling you that.  The name didn't exactly come to him.  You were sleeping and he shook you out of bed saying babe.  You never had any protests against and never said anything about it, so he started calling you babe.  There's no specific situation in which Liam calls you babe.  He just loves to call you that.  So he calls you babe.

Niall Horan (Cookie):  Not a name you'd normally use as a nickname, but, Niall loves to call you cookie.  Niall loves to eat, so cookie represented his love for food.  You had a large sweet tooth, once you'd start you'd never stop eating sweets.  Your favorite:  cookies.  Niall had come home to you sitting by the TV eating chocolate chip cookies beside an empty Oreo packet.  That's how he came up with the nickname.  Niall calls you cookie when he feels like it, or when he's hungry.  You don't like the name, but he still calls you that, despite your protests.

Louis Tomlinson (Love):  Louis nickname for you is Love, like Liam he has several nicknames for you, but love is the name he uses the most.  Louis is British, duh.  The word 'love' sounds perfect with his accent.  When he discovered that you loved hearing the word 'love'.  He started calling you that.  Louis normally calls you love when he knows you've had a bad day, or when he misses you on tour, or when he wants to cuddle.

Well that's that.

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XOX Princess

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