Liam Payne (Sad)

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Hey guys! What's up? I know, I know, I haven't updated in a while. SORRY. But you know I love you right? SO HERE'S A LIAM PAYNE ONE. I randomly came up with it. A quick warning. This imagine does involve abuse and alcohol. If you're not one who enjoys stories as these, please don't read this. And another quick note, I know Liam is not actually like this, or at least I hope. It was just something that randomly came to my mind after looking at a list of words my friend gave to me. So no hate. HERE WE GO:

I mentioned this is in the note above, this does involve abuse and alcohol is you don't like stuff like that, Please don't read this.

You were scared. No, that's an understatement. You were terrified. You had come home from a long day at work to find a very drunk Liam Payne throwing glass at the wall.

First Question: Why was Liam Payne in your house? He's your boyfriend. Yes. THE Liam Payne is your boyfriend.

Second Question: Why were you so afraid? Two answers to that. One, he was throwing glass. Two, well this response is a little surprising, or a lot, depends on how it's taken. Liam is an aggressive drunk. Meaning he gets rough when he's absolutely drunk. Before any conclusions are made, no. He is not abusive, at least not physically. He gets rough with his words and honestly? They hurt, a lot. But, the morning after he never remembers what he said to you. Now, you're probably wondering why you're still with him. Well, Liam hardly ever drinks, so he hardly gets drunk. And when he's absolutely drunk, almost impossible to see. But it has happened. In the two years you've been together, and when he's absolutely drunk, is when things get scary. But this time it was so much worse. As mentioned before, Liam doesn't not get physically abusive. EVER. And right now, he was throwing glass. At your wall. You tried to remain quiet as you left the house, hoping not to anger him. But as you slowly opened the door, it creaked loudly. He turned around and you saw his eye. They were darker than his eyes normally were, so much darker, almost black. The glass throwing had been a give-away that he was drunk, but if you weren't positive then, you definitely were positive now. You could see the fury and anger blazing in his eyes. He slowly approached you with a broken wine glass in his hand. You tried to turn and run, but you couldn't. You were frozen, until he got so close that you could smell the alcohol in his breath. When you turned to leave, he gripped you arm tightly. He pulled you body close to his and chuckled darkly. He leaned in towards you, and whispered.

"Regrets." And then he laughed. He looked at you and stated deeply. "I have so many regrets!" He gripped your arm tighter causing you to whimper. He just chuckled. "Would you like me to list them for you?" He asked in a sarcastic sweet voice. He grinned and started, "First off, I regret walking into that Starbucks." You winced, knowing you both had met at Starbucks. "I regret buying that coffee." He had bought your coffee after you found out that you left your wallet at home. "I regret giving you a ride. Tears were forming in your eyes. It was raining, after you finished your coffee, that day, he offered to drive you home. "I regret getting your number and asking you out." Liam said harshly. Tears started to flow freely down your cheeks. "I regret, staying with you for two years!" He shouted as you tried to get him to let go of you. You winced. Had he honestly regretted your relationship for the past two years? "And you know what I regret the most?" His voice dropped to a whisper.

"I regret ever loving you."

You were sobbing now. How could he say that? Before you could react to his cruel words, he slammed the wine glass in front of you. The glass scattered everywhere. Now you were trying even harder to get out of Liam's grip. After a few minuted of struggling and sobbing you managed to get out of his grip. And before Liam could respond you ran. You ran out of the house and all the way to Niall's flat. Other than Liam, Niall had been the best to you. He was the best friend you never had. You knocked on his door quickly and heard shuffling as the door opened. You saw Niall's bright expression, but it soon changed as he saw you. He opened the door wider and let you in.

"What happened (Y/N)?" Niall asked worriedly. You didn't reply, you just hugged him tightly and sobbed into his chest.

You didn't know what to do. You were scared. No, that's an understatement. You were terrified.

So YEAHHHH. That's basically it. Really depressing I know. I was in school. You can't blame me. lol I'm kidding. I'd like to mention, that I randomly came up with this idea of an abusive Liam. But I know he's not like that in real life, so Yeah. :)


I think that's it. Anyway, Thank You guys so much for all of the reads! Almost at 300 READS! OMG YASSSSS.

Thank You so so so much.

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And I'd loveeee to write an imagine for you. So PLEZ COMMENT.

I love you all.



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