5 Seconds of Summer Preference: Birthdays (PT. 2)

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Hi guyssss :)  Sorry, I haven't updated in ages, I forgot and then I was also out of town...

So, SOWWY!  BTW 5SOS' S NEW SINGLE?! IT'S AWESOMEEEEE, If you haven't heard it, you neeeeeeed to go listen to it.  Okay that's it, leggo


Calum (First Date):  "OMG Y/BF/N WHAT DO I WEAR, SHOULD I WEAR MAKEUP, WHAT SHOES DO I WEAR, HOW SHOULD I WEAR MY HAIR? HELP ME." You ranted to your best friend.  She giggled in response.  "Woah, (Y/N). CALM DOWN." You sighed slowly. "I'm sorry, I'm really nervous."  You told her softly. She gently smiled at you. "C'mon, let's get you ready." Y/BF/N stated kindly.  Calum was taking you out for the first time today, you two had always been great friends, yet the both of you secretly liked each other, it only took a game of Truth or Dare to let those feelings be revealed. Y/BF/N dressed you in a light blue dress that reached to your knees, with golden flowers on them.  For makeup, she gave you a light smokey eye, filled with light and dark grays, which really brought out the intensity of your Y/E/C eyes, and she gave you a nude pink lipstick.  For your hair, Y/BF/N curled it lightly so she could let your hair be in beautiful natural looking waves, and then she took your bangs, and halo-braided them.  You wore wonderful golden heels, and you rocked them! :) By the time you were ready, your doorbell rang, you opened the door to see Calum standing there, in a suit, with a red rose in his hand. His eyes widened as he took in your appearance. You started to get insecure, but before you could say a word, Calum spoke up. "Y/N you look, wow, um... amazing doesn't even begin to cover how beautiful you look tonight." He said shyly, which caused all your insecurities to fly out of your mind. You giggled softly, looked at him and smiled. He smiled back, "Ready to go?" You nodded, waved goodbye to your friend and headed out the front door, closing it behind you. After getting settled into the car, Calum drove the both of you to the restaurant.   You'd never been there before, and it looked fancy and quite expensive.  Calum took your hand, and you intertwined your fingers with his.  Once you had settled down on to your table, and ordered you food, Calum put his hand over yours, and quickly scooted over to your side. He gave you a quick peck on the cheek? He leaned towards your ear, and whispered "Happy Birthday" slowly. Wait, What? WOW. You blushed in embarrassment, as you realized you had forgotten your own birthday, you turned to Calum, "I forgot, that today was my birthday, I was so excited that I was finally going out with you, I completely forgot..." Calum laughed boldly.   "Well, I got you a birthday present, if you still want it." You smiled, "you being here is enough, but I'll take the extra gift as well." He smiled brightly, he took a small box out of his pocket and gave it to you.  You opened it and saw a gorgeous silver necklace, with the words "Forever and Always Y/N." and on the back it had said, "Yours, Calum." You looked at him, happiness filling every corner of you. "Thank You Calum, you have no idea how much this means to me." You said softly. He nodded, "I have one more present for you."  You tilted your head in confusion. "Close your eyes." He told you quietly. You shut your eyes lightly, as you felt his breath fan over your lips.  His lips met yours, in a cute yet passionate kiss, it was perfect.  Once you had both pulled away, you smiled.  He put his arm around you and the both of you fell in love with each other even more.  I think it's safe to say this was probably the best birthday ever. (Maybe the next one's better.)


You dropped your key on to the counter in the kitchen of the house, which you had been sharing with your boyfriend of 5 years, Michael.  You headed up to Your's and Michael's bedroom.  You slowly laid down on your bed exhausted from your job.  Turning and tossing you found yourself looking at the nightstand. You saw a paper there, it was addressed to you.  "Happy Birthday, Bambi" You smiled brightly at his nickname for you. You read on, "Go downstairs and find my Xbox."  You trudged downstairs, only to find his Xbox waiting there on the coffee table with a note on top of it, "See that wasn't too hard was it? Find our place." You happily made your way, to the swing in your garden.  You sat down, only to find a note lying there. "Well, time to leave the property, go to the place where we first met." It took you a while to remember, but eventually you found your way to the park, where the both of you had bumped into each other, literally.  You looked to find a man sitting there, on the bench. "Are you Y/N?" He asked you. You hesitated before nodding a yes. He gave you a note and was on his way. "Find the place, where we had our first date." You smiled as you remembered the first date you both had, it was in the arcade. You made your way to the arcade, as the man giving out prizes looked at you. "Hi! You Y/N?" He asked unsure, You smiled and nodded your head yes.  He smiled happily as he took out a large teddy bear, and a note. He handed the both of them to you. You giggled, and thanked him.  Once you were out of the arcade, you read the note, "Almost there, just two more stops and you'll find me. To find your next clue, go to the local flower store (or whatever it's called.)" You laughed at the quick side note, and found the "local flower store" You entered as the woman behind the counter gave you a smile, "Hello dear, what's your name?" "Oh, Hello! My name's Y/N" You told the lady cheerily. She chuckled and gave you three roses, one red, one pink, and one white.   "When I asked why the boy wanted these three roses, he told me that the red one represents, him, the white one represents you, and the pink represents your love." She told you softly, as she passed you the note. You were extremely happy, once you had heard that. You thanked her, grateful and made your way out of the store to read the next note. "Go to the middle of the flower maze." You smiled as you remembered the flower maze, the first time you went, Michael and you had gotten lost, but you learned to love the flowers around you, you started to fall in love with the area. Once, you found the flower maze, you slowly traveled to the center of it. There was nobody nor nothing there. Except a note, right in the middle. You picked it up and read it. "Turn Around."  You turned to see Michael.  He smiled and got down on one knee, "Y/N. I met you 5 and a half years ago, and then I asked you out a few months later.  We've been through so much together, and I love you so incredibly much, and I know we've had our ups and downs, but we made it through them, because the both of us are still here, together, today.  I'm proud to call someone as perfect as you my girlfriend, but I think it's time that you're more.  I love you enough, to tell you that I think it's time to take the next step in our relationship, I don't think marrying this young will be a problem for us. Because I want to be with you, I still want to travel the world, just with you by my side, I still want to stumble home drunk  knowing I'm coming back to you.  I still want to eat pizza in our underwear, and I still want to play video games and easily win against you, I want to do so much with you, I want to be with you all the time, but not as your boyfriend, as your husband.  So Happy Birthday my love. One Question? Will you marry me?" Michael asked nervously as he held up a ring.  You had tears in your eyes, as you leaned down and kissed him passionately. "That give you an answer?" You said lightly through tears of joy.  He nodded his head yes, lifted you up and spun your around.  You turned to see all the boys, standing there. "SHE SAID YES!" Michael screamed in joy.  All the boys cheered and raced towards the both of you pulling all of you in a group hug, I'm so lucky to have these people in my life.  You thought to yourself.  You smiled one more time, before pecking Michael on the lips. "Best. Birthday. Ever."


I really hoped you liked them, I had way too much fun with these HEEHEE

I'm sorry for not updating :( PWEEZ DON'T HATE ME.

Also, go listen to 5SOS'S new single, "She's Kinda Hot" if you already haven't, it's awesomeeeeeee, anyways that's that, I L Y ALLLLL :)

So, yeah, leave a comment if you want a request, leave a comment in general

Vote.  Follow me, Read this, and maybe my other works even though all of them are barely published.  I guess that's it.

Also, comment or message me for ideas for imagines, because I'm telling you, I have run out of ideas. OKAY THAT'S IT ILY ALL ONCE MORE AND YEAH.



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