William Herondale

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Hey guys! Here's another Will Herondale Imagine I wrote for my friend. Hope you guys like it!

In this story, Y/N is Your Nickname, and Y/R/N is Your Real Name.


"Hey Alec," Jace commented as he passed by Alec.

"Hellooooo" Alec answered back.

"Been a while since I've seen you. How's living with Magnus been?" Jace asked with a smirk

"Jace...." Alec warned

"Okay Okay Sorry!" Jace put his hands up and surrendered playfully.  

Alec sighed "What am I going to do with you? It's fun, Magnus can be quite a pain. But I love him."


"Shut Up! Anyway, how's Clary?"

"She's good, curious as ever, but good."

"Curious?" Alec asked confused

"Yeah, We were going through some things that are related to my past. Found this thing about a guy named Will Herondale, Tessa Gray, and someone named Y/R/N..." Jace replied

"ooooh, story time." Alec answered happily.

"Ugh fine, I'll tell you. " Jace Grunted.

*Flashback* (Your Point of View)

It was a pretty cold winter day, Normally you'd be sitting by the fire But for some reason you weren't feeling it. Well, today was your first date with Gabriel Lightwood. That was going to be fun. Sort of, You always like Gabe but it seemed like he had eyes for someone else. You were pretty sure it was Will Herondale's younger sister. Then again, who wouldn't love her? She's an angel. Speaking of Will Herondale. He was horrid. you hated him. Others swooned over him. You sat in a corner grumbling about how annoying he was. Ugh, Speak of the devil. Will walked in to the room. He was so full of himself! He acted like he was the king of everything! and then Tessa walked in. Ugh, she's another problem in herself She was wayyyy to clingy. and It was really annoying to see her go:

"Oh Will, don't do that to me again." You imitated that in your head with an extremely high-pitched voice. And chuckled to yourself. Will turned.

"Why were you laughing?" He asked rudely.

"None of your business" You replied back.

"Is that so...." He replied cockily

"Yup." You popped the p, and stormed out of the room. While wandering the hallways, you thought you'd just go back to your room. So you did. You looked at the clock, that you had. It was almost time for your date with Gabe! You picked out a dress and shoes and you styled your hair really prettily. You walked out of your room, and went back to the gathering room. You walked in and everyone eyed you. "Where are you going, all dolled up like that?" A sarcastic voice asked.

"None of your business." You replied.

"Actually, She's going on a date. with me." You heard Gabe tell him.

"What?" He shouted. You turned your shoulder.

"Why do you care? You never liked me! You were always such a rude and sarcastic idiot and I don't even know why I still actually listen to you! Gabe has always listened to me and actually treated me like a human." You replied with venom laced in your voice. Will scoffed.

"You're right. I don't care. At all. I never liked you. You are just a pathetic girl that has no life, no friends, and those who are your friends they just feel sad for you. And who can blame them? You're just Pathetic Y/R/N. Pathetic." He shouted.

"I hate you Will Herondale." You whispered.

"Shi-----" You ran out of the room with tears in your eyes. You ran to your room, and cried into the pillow. You heard someone come into the room.

"Come on, Y/N, don't let anyone ruin you. You're perfect and beautiful. And anyone who believes otherwise has no brain." Gabe's voice said.

"Thank You" you said, your voice muffled by the pillow. You could feel him smile,

"Now come on. Let's go to our date." You both walked out of the institute hand in hand and Gabe took you to a beautiful picnic near a lake. You both ate Sandwiches. and Laughed. Once you were done, you both walked back to the institute. It was a beautiful night. Gabe walked you back to your room. You went to bed and instantly fell asleep. You woke up to a knocking on your bedroom door. You got up did your hair and checked who it was. There was nobody there! You looked down and saw a bouquet of white roses and a note that said

"I'm Sorry" You were a bit confused. Who would send you something like this? You ignored the question found a vase in your room and put the flowers in them. You spent the whole day in your room. You heard another knocking on your door. You opened it and Will stood there. You were about to slam the door in his face, when he said

"Wait, Y/N, just please hear me out."

"Oh Now I'm Y/N? Yesterday I was (Y/R/N)." You replied in disgust.

"Please" He sounded desperate. "You have 5 minutes." You said. Will walked in closed your door and turned to you.

"I am Sorry. For whatever I said yesterday. I swear I didn't mean it. And I want to tell you that, You deserve someone who knows how to make things up to you after hurting you, not someone who is just very good with the word 'sorry'. I know I'm not that kind of person. And this might come as a shock to you. But I like you. And in a way that I have been trying to avoid for ages because I have Tess. But Tess isn't you! I thought she was perfect when I first met her, but then she became clingy. Really clingy and just followed me around like a lost puppy! and Then you came in to my life. And I loved it! I loved fighting with you, just so I could see your reaction, that is absolutely adorable by they way, when you get mad! And I know that I've hurt you! and I'm sorry and sorry and sorry, and I know that a million sorries won't make up for what I have said to you. But I do care. And I really don't want to hurt you again. So... Will you (YOUR FULL NAME)" he got on one knee, "be my girlfriend. Please?"

"Yes." You whispered.

"What?" He asked.

"Yes!" you shouted and ran into his arms. He picked you up and twirled you around. And the rest was all history. *BACK TO THE PRESENT*

"AWWWWWWWWWW.!" That was sooo romantic!" Alec commented

"I know. My family's full of charmers." He joked.

"You little---" Alec was cut off by Magnus.


"Uh- Jace, I have to---" Alec stuttered

"Go! Have fun" Jace smiled.


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