nine: break up

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| sam's pov |

It felt just like the bonfire but this time 10x times better, but this time he was staying. For good. Monday came around and I felt bad, I wasn't being myself, I wasn't being badass Sam, but then again I was. Because I was cheating on my "boyfriend" so I guess I was? Michael was changing me. I knew it, maybe it was for the better though? I didn't quite know but I wanted to figure out.

Justin was at my locker, as usual. I smiled as I walked up to him but I frowned once I realized what I was about to do. I didn't actually think it mattered though. We weren't officially dating, he never actually asked me out. So why would it matter?

"Hey baby." He whispered and pulled me in for a kiss, but I looked away. He quickly unwrapped his hands from my waist and looked at me, jaw clenched.

"What was that about?" Justin asked sternly

"Look we need to talk."

"About?" His jaw was still clenched

"Look I don't quite remember what happened at the party, I was drunk and high off my ass. But I do know one thing, you weren't there in the morning to help me. Im sorry Justin, I like you, and you've helped me a lot over the summer and school year. But I think we should be going back to just friends."

"It's because of that Michael kid isn't it? Is it because he's back Sam? So you just dump me like that? I was there when he wasn't."

"Fuck I know. Dammit I know how much you've helped me, that's why I want to be friends still."

"We can't be "just friends" Sam. I'm always going to have those feelings for you, the feelings for more than a friend."

I sighed. I didn't want to do this to him, he was right. He was there when Michael wasn't, and he did help me. He always took the pain away, and he did a damn good job of it.

"Jus I didn't want to do this. You helped me so much, fuck yeah you helped me. And I'm not replacing you at all. Me and Mike are just friends, I just can't be uncertain all the time, you know? Please be my friend. You still mean so much to me, you always will. You saved me when I was drowning. And I can't ever thank you Justin. You'll always be in my heart but we can't do this anymore. I don't know what we are and your making this complicated. More so than it has to be. Thank you though." I kissed his lips one more time, before pulling away, and pressing my forehead to his.

He sighed.

"I'm sorry for that Sam, I'm here though. And I guess I'm willing to be friends with you, if that's what you want of course. If that's what will make you happy."

"Be my friend?"

"Of course."

"Thank you."

I hugged him, before going to my locker and getting my books for first period, he walked away.


I turned around to face him.

"I'll always be here for you, no matter what happens with you and that Michael kid. I'm always gonna be here for you."

"I know. Thank you. I'll always be here for you too Justin, always."

He smiled.

"Thanks Sam, it means a lot."

I smiled before he walked away. One step closer to finding my happiness.

all of you guys probably had a bad vibe on Justin but he was never a bad guy. he just cared about Sam A LOT especially since she went down the train :( you'll know more about him later on tho

but he's a really good guy and ive always liked him and soon you'll know how much he helped sam bc she was much worse than she is now

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