sixteen: australia

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| michael's pov |

I like her, I like Sam. This time I won't leave though, I promised her I wouldn't leave this time. I always kept my promises. I hurt her when I left, I know I did, and I'm not going to make that mistake again.

I knew she still has some feelings for me, the way she blushes when I talk to her. I blush too but I can cover it more than she can. She makes me so damn happy and I missed her so much. I know she missed me too, I noticed I help her. She's been smoking less lately, she hasn't noticed but I have. When we first started talking she smoked more than half a pack a day, now she smokes less than half.

I couldn't say how happy I am that I have that affect on her. She's my rock, as I am hers. We were laying down on her bed, my mind going bazar of thinking. Thinking about everything. I was playing with her hands, as she was drawing on my chest.



"Tell me about Australia. Why'd you go? And what'd you do?"

"It's good there, warm. I went to get away Sam, I was afraid that if I told you how I felt you'd laugh or run away. And I needed you so I went away. Australia it made me get my mind off you, and that's what I needed. And I visited family, I had a lot of free time, where I spent outside." I chuckled at that, and so did she. I never went outside. The year of the kiss, I spent my whole summer inside with Sam.

"While you were there forgetting about me, I was here ruining myself over you." She whispered.

My heart broke at that, cause yet again she was right. She was ruining herself to try to forget about me while I just simply went away and forgot about her. What she doesn't know was though, it took a long time. It took longer that I expected it to take. That's why I came back at the end of the year, I was ready. Ready to face her again, ready to see her beautiful face. When I came back and saw her broken face, and sad figure my heart shattered and I fell under her trap again.

I told myself that I was going to help her, fix her. And that's what I was doing; fixing her. She deserved fixing. Before the kiss, Sam was one of the most happiest girls I knew. She always positive about the most negative shit, and she knew how to make me feel happy when I sank below sea level. So now it was my time to pick up her broken pieces and glue them tight back in the right places.

"I know Sam, and I'm sorry. You don't understand though."

"What don't I understand?"

"I was only suppose to leave for a week to Australia. I stayed there a year."

She gasped.


"I told you, I was trying to forget about you. It was so much harder than you think Sam. I sometimes didn't sleep for 72 hours because I was crying or thinking of you. I coped better than you, and I eventually you just slipped into my mind as a friend again, but after I saw you on the first day. I dunno, I broke again. I like you Sam, a lot. And I know your not ready yet, trust me I'm not either, but I'll be waiting for when you are. I'm not going this time I promise."

I was serious, I wasn't going anywhere. One year ago, I was a little boy who couldn't admit his feelings and was afraid of rejection. Now, I don't care if she hates me, as long as I'm with her and helping her. She's all that matters to me, I just wish she could know that.

pic doesn't match but im basically trying to say that michael is foolishly in love w sam even tho he's kinda not admitting it rn but he's gonna stop at nothing to help her cause love


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