seven: after

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| sam's pov |

I woke up not in my bed or Justin's, but in Michaels. I looked around the room quickly before actually sitting up. I had a massive headache and I felt like I was going to throw up. Michael came in with 3 pills and a glass of water, as if he knew I was awake.

"How are you feeling?"

"Hungover. What happened last night?"

"Me and Justin kinda got in a fight? And then the cops came so I grabbed you and brought you here..."

"Oh. Thanks I guess..? Why'd you guys fight?"

"I almost kissed you..."


"Sorry." He mumbled

"For what?"

"Almost kissing you."

"Don't worry about it."

We sat there in an awkward silence for a few minutes. I didn't know what to say to him. And he didn't know what to say to me, before everything happened me and Mike could for hours and hours about anything and everything. That's just how we were you know? Ever since the bonfire and him leaving everything changed. We had no idea what we wanted to say to each other.

"Sam-I, what happened to you?"


"Why are you like this?"

"You know why."

"I don't. Tell me."

"Because of you. I dunno Mike you always kept me in place and reassured me and kept me in place all the time. You kept me sane. You caught me when I was falling, you were my everything, my best friend, my rock and you left. So I fell under the bus."

"You can't blame this all on me Sam."

"But I can..but your right. Im sorry but it's kinda true. Everyone says it to me. Well At least Nikki, Kate and Sara think that. Although Sara won't tell me to my face-"

"Sara Hidyen? Isn't she a big druggie?"

"You don't know anything about her so don't fucking assume shit Michael." I said through gritted teeth

"Sorry..that's what Kelly told me anyways."

"Who's kelly?"

"Never mind. So are we friends?"

"I dunno. I guess?"

"I guess? C'mon Sam what else do I have to do to prove to you that I'm not going anywhere and that Im sorry?"

"You have to prove it Mike, I thought I could've trusted you before. We've been friends for so long and I thought you would tell me, at least write a note fucking something! I would've been okay! I would've been satisfied knowing you went to just get away. I'd be okay, but no. And you never answered any of my messages, emails, calls nothing. I was frustrated. You could've trusted me you know that? Just tell me. If we're friends right now, you can never lie to me again? Promise? No fucking lying as much as it hurts. And no keeping shit from me Michael."

He hesitated. He was keeping something from me, I knew it.

"Michael what are you keeping from me?"

I feel like this isn't interesting? shits gonna happen i promise keep reading

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