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Midoriya woke up expecting to be in his bed in his dorm back in UA. What he didn't expect was to wake up in a chair in a cinema surrounded by his classmates in 1a and 1b along with his teachers/other pro heroes and... Villains!?

A loud noise awoke everyone from their slumber and it was clear they were all in the same boat as Midoriya.

"Where the fuck are we!"

"Sensei? Kurogiri? Where are we?"

"Uugh, my head!"

"Why can't I ever get any sleep."

"My butt hurts."

"I am... Not sure what's happening."

The theater was in chaos as everyone realized who they were sharing a room with but before pure chaos could erupt a voice out of nowhere spoke up.


Everyone turned to see a a kid, probably a year or two older than the students standing in front of them. They went silent as their attention was now on them.

'Oh my God that worked'

"Hello young lady, may I ask where we are?" All Might asked.

"Oh right, so my Boss transported all of us here to react to your multiverse. Hard to believe I know but trust me it's best to just sit down and watch the screen. I'm here to inform you of any info of the universe I'm allowed to and as a bonus all your quirks are nullified in this room which you can't escape until we're done."

They explained swiftly as if they'd been practicing what to say in a mirror which was most likely the case.

Shigiraki went up to them.

"And why should we trust you and this Boss of yours?" he held their hand keeping on pinky in the air which made the heroes who knew him tense up though the kid didn't look fazed.

"Honestly I don't know why they do this but I can't really argue against them so here I am." Dannie said nonchalantly.

He didn't like their answer and so tried to decay them but nothing happened. Shigaraki was shocked but the heroes relaxed.

'Quirks really don't work here' the majority thought.'

"Why are we reacting to the multiverse anyway?" Momo asked.

"I think it's just to see how you're lives are in different worlds, we might also get to see the future and alternate time lines wich are basically like what would have happened if someone did something differently if you get what I mean. Oh and a lot of the revolve around Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki and the pros and villains for some reason"

"Then why are we here!" Monoma exclaimed motioning to his class and himself. He did not want to be forced to watch some brats from 1A. Dannie shrugged.

"I already said I don't know dude." they said nonchalantly

The majority nodded, now interested in what they could possibly see. Midoriya took out a new notebook and his class just looked at him and prepared for him to start mumbling soon.

After a bit the all sat down the heroes making sure to keep a seat distance from the villains who opted to sit together.

This was going surprisingly smoother then they had thought it would.

"Oh I forgot to mention if you want any snacks just think about it and it should appear in your lap though there is a limit." they said getting seated in between Bakugou and Shigaraki connecting the gap between the heroes and villains that they made.

"You know, you never gave us a name, it's the least you could do." Eraserhaed said.

"Right sorry, I'm Dannie" they introduced. Bakugou made a 'tch' sound and Dannie rolled their eyes at him in response wich caused him to get mad but before he could blow up on them, they took out a piece of paper and yelled with a grin.

"Okay first universe!"

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