Stand Out

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Dannie clapped their hands as the screen started to load.


"There's not much to this world it's just another alternate reality." They said


"As student body president I just wanna say like 'yay' to all of us for a really neat year." Kendo said over the mic as she stood in front of the school on the podium.

Loud cheering from the hundreds of students were erupting as she spoke.

"Whoo! Kendo from student body prez!" Tetsutetsu cheered loudly getting a few looks his way.

Kendo smile at her shark toothed silver classmate as the faintest tint of pink dusted her cheeks.

She giggled as she uttered a thank you to the boy, the infliction in her voice making it sound like a question though she still smiled genuinely.

"Yo Kendo, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me baby!" Mineta hollered deepening his voice to sound more macho enouch to be heard despite the loud crowd.

Those around him stared at him in disgust though that didn't seem to bother the little pervert. Monoma gave him a good smack at the back of the head, and looked up to end up making eye contact with Ashido. She looked at him and nodded with a smile which Monoma returned before they paid their attention back to Kendo.

"That's... surprising." Kirishima said at seeing Sero and Monoma share a moment.

"Yeah." Sero agreed.

"That was super cool of you man." Tetsutetsu commended.

"Of course, I always look out for my classmates. Especially around class 1a." He said mumbling the last sentence.

"I want to put it out for the record that that isn't me, I didn't do anything!" Mineta said in attempt to save himself. Everyone rolled their eyes and let him be wich caused him to sigh in relief.

Kendo glared at the direction of Mineta comment before rolling her eyes boredly and continuing her speech.

"And also that I hope you can all attend my totally amazing end of school party next Saturday to watch the Powerline concert the chhers increased live on paper view." She finished of. The cheers increased in volumes

She modestly thanked the crowd before calling on to their principal Nezu to take her place on stage.

Aizawa walked to the podium, as he came to a stop in front of the mic, Nezu excitedly popped put of his scarf.

"Thank you Kendo, and good morning boys and girls!" He greeted in his cheery voice.

"Have you noticed how Principal Nezu is always in Aizawa Sensei's scarf?" Tsyu asked no one in particular.

"Yeah, like in our final exams!" Midoriya said jumping slightly as he remembered.

"You kids haven't seen the half of it, the little guy even hangs out in there while drinking tea in the staff room." Mic said using an array of hand gestures.

"I find it very comfy." Nezu said.

"You know, every year on the last day of school I have several young students approach me and say 'Principal Nezu! What can we do to not waste our summer vacation?'" He 'quoted'.

"I highly doubt anyone asks that." Hawks said nonchalantly.

Multiple students sighed/fake yawned as Nezu kept rambling on about what students supposedly ask him.

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