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✋There are massive spoilers in this chapter so please for the love of anime skip this if you don't want to be spoiled! ✋


"It looks here that this one is another alternate reality so the chances of this happening are fairly certain." Dannie said as they read the rest if the discription. They went pale as they immediately wished she hadn't said that.

"Is it the one where Bakugou has a ghost again?" someone asked. Dannie shook their head side to side indicating the answer to be no.

"Let's just start this one." Dannie clapped their hands.


The screen lit up. It was a normal day in class 1A. Shota Aizawa was trying to squeeze in a decent nap on his desk while the students somewhat quietly did their work.

It was peaceful today. To bad that wouldn't last long since Hizashi aka Present Mic burst into the classroom.

"What's up my awesome students?" He loudly greeted in English. The class was use to this behavior from their teacher and so they sluggishly greeted him back without sparing him a glance.

"Good morning Mic sensei."

The eccentric man frowned. 'What's got them so sluggish?" he wondered.

"Sir, you said you'd help me find my mommy." a sweet young voice asked from next to Hizashi behind the door frame.

This adorable voice immediately caught their attention. Even Shota, who'd given up on his nap.

Hizashi convinced the girl to show herself to the class. She waved to everyone in the room with the shyest smile.

Everyone except the generally more serious characters "awe'd" though Todoroki did crack a smile.

"Awe, you are adorable" Hagakure adored as she ran to the girl. She looked confused.

"So what brings the both of you here?" Shota wondered what was his connection to the small child he'd never seen or heard of before.

"I came here to see if you brought Eri today. I was hoping the two could hang while I look for the mom." Hizashi explained as the other students came to great her.

"It would actually be good for Eri to have a friend her age." Aizawa thought out loud.

"Maybe she would get along with Koda." Midoriya suggested.

"No." Aizawa immediately shut down. "He's a good kid but I don't think they'd get along." That was a lie. He just didn't want Eri around a boy yet.

"She could hang out Fayola's sister." Dannie suggested next.

"I don't have a sister." Fayola corrected.

"Yes you do, you haven't met yet." Dannie said.

"What!?" Dannie ignored her.

Unfortunately Eri wasn't there. Apparently Hizashi had saved her from a bunch of people trying to use her quirk for their own personal gain, one of wich was an older cousin she didn't really like.

The cousin had posed to just be spending time with her like family normally does when he was actually going to use her quirk to earn some quick cash.

"So what's your quirk?" Izuku asked. The girl uncomfortably moved closer to Hizashi's leg. Izuku looked worried.

Hizashi who had over heard them crouched down and gently placed a hand on her head. "Hey, it's okay. He was just a little curious." he assured. The girl nodded and looked back to Izuku.

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