The Todorokis

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Dannie clapped her hands not bothering to announce the name of the next universe.

"This next one is set in a universe where Endeavor isn't obsessed with surpassing All Might." Dannie said.

"impossible." Todoroki said wide eyed.

"Impossible." Midoriya said just as shocked.

"Impossible" Bakugou joined in a dismissive tone.

"Impossible." Dabi bitterly said.

"Impossible?" Toga looked at Dabi who nodded.

"Impossible" Shigiraki said in a definate tone.

Endeavor wanted to say something against all the 'Impossibles' but upon looking at Shoto who wasn't facing him, held his tongue.


"So how does it feel to have made hero ranking history and what do you have to say?" asked the hostess of one of Japans best news Channel that was now hosting none other than the Todoroki family who well all dressed in amazing suits and dresses.

The Todoroki's in the room where shocked to say the least. Most looked at the scene in interest.

"Hero ranking history, I wonder what that means?" All Might said to no one in particular.

"It's an honor to have come this far and I'll use this to assure all of Japan that we will always be there to protect you." Endeavor promised looking at the camara, the mic is then passed onto Rei.

"Endeavor doesn't seem like such a douchebag here." Kaminari quipped which earned him a glare from Iida and Jiro.

Hawks gave Endeavor a pat on the back in attempt to make him feel better. It might've been more affective if Hawks wasn't visible trying to hold in his laughter.

"If you had told me way back when that I'd be a pro hero fighting for Japan I would have laughed but now I have no idea what I'd do if I wasn't doing exactly that. It was a tough road but I'm glad things turned out the way they did."
Rei passed the mic to Toya.

Endeavor and Shoto allowed a smile to escape their lips at the sight of Rei.

"Is that your mom Todoroki? She's very pretty." Pony said.

"Thank you, she is." Todoroki said.

"My whole life I've wanted to be a hero, to make my parents proud; I've worked my ass off and fought against so many obstacles so sitting here is a dream come true. I'll not only make my family proud but all of Japan proud too!"
Toya pumped his fist to his chest twice and then made a piece sign making his fans in the audience cheer. Fuyumi took the mic.

"Isn't that your late son Endeavor?" Midnight turned to see the number 2 hero had tears streaming down his face, everyone decided to leave him be.

"Oh Todoroki I'm so sorry." Momo apologized but Todoroki reassured her that he was fine, he explained that Toya passed when he was young so he barely remembered him, though it was kinda nice to see him on screen.

"I wish Fuyumi and Natsuo were here to see this though." Todoroki said. Dabi shifted in his seat a bit.

"I'm very honored to have made it this far but I'm not doing this for fame; though I do appreciate the appreciation. I want to make everyday safer for the citizens here and help my family so I'll always do my best!"
Fuyumi shyly exclaimed quickly tossing the mic to Natsuo while her fans awed.

The girls all thought Fuyumi was adorable.

"In all honesty I just want to help people, there's nothing more to it so to everyone out there thanks, and just know I'll always be there to serve justice. That's my word." Natsuo lazed confidently as hid fans cheered especially the fan girls. He passed the mic to Shoto.

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