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~New Year's Eve, 2014~

"Have you got everything you need? Don't forget to be ready by eight o'clock. Stay safe. Don't do anything stupid." Jin listed out all of his wants to do with my trip to an address the girls sent.
"I've got everything, hyung, and okay. And since when do I do anything stupid?' I laughed, only to get an unimpressed look back.
"I could think of many examples, but we don't have the time. Chop chop, get in the van and we'll go." Jin pushed me towards the door.

"What about the others?" I asked.
"It's early, they're still sleeping. They won't even realise you're gone."
"Yeah right, enjoy dealing with a whiny maknae line later." I playfully scoffed.
"I'll definitely be looking forward to that." Jin sighed, "now get in." The two of us got into the van before driving off.

Jin soon dropped me off at the address that I had been sent, leading us to a small, rentable game and cinema room.
"Woah, have fun. Call us if anything's wrong." He leant over to kiss my forehead, "love you."
"Love you too, Jin hyung." I smiled before sliding out of the van, waving as I reached the door and Jin drove off.

I raised my fist to knock at the door, but dropped it as the door was flung open and I was crushed in a hug, letting out a sound of surprise.
"You made it! It's so good to see you again," Amy beamed, pulling away just to drag me inside of the hallway, excitedly slamming the door behind us. "We rented this place out just for today. It's one story and is equipped with a games room, a cinema room and a chill zone on the roof. Oh! And a kitchen with a vending machine." She explained as we arrived at the kitchen, Lucy and Erin stood there waiting.

"Hey Eun!" Lucy waved me over to them, the two hugging me in greeting.
"Off, off, too much hugging." Erin complained, pulling away. All four of us simultaneously quietened down at her complaint before Amy laughed, then causing a chain reaction.
"Okay, the tour now!" Amy exclaimed once the laughter had died down, taking a hold of my wrist and pulling me across the room.

We entered the room directly opposite the kitchen, my eyes widening as I took in all the different types of games. They ranged from arcade machines to a large TV with the latest consoles set up.
"Wow," I chuckled in awe.
"Isn't it great?!" Amy asked, smiling before heading to a door at the end of the room, a descending staircase on the other side.

After carefully making our way down the stairs, we were met with a small, comfortable cinema room equipped with sofas, chairs, bean bags and a large collection of films.
"You like it?" She asked me.
"This is incredible." I replied, taking in everything in the room.

"And this is the roof where we can chill out." I stepped out onto the roof, the slight breeze blowing my hair out behind me.
"You really out did yourself here," I chuckled before turning to face her, a grin plastered on my face, "what's first?"

~Time Skip~

After many hours of fun, games, and food, the four of us found ourselves messing around on the roof.

I was teaching the three the dance for War of Hormone, going through the chorus again, when Lucy slipped with a yelp. Her hand reached out for me on instinct, my eyes widening as we both fell off of the roof, hitting the tarmac floor beneath us with a loud thud, followed by our collective groans.

A sharp pain shot through my right arm after putting all my weight on it. I didn't dare to look at it as I tried to sit up, only stopping when Lucy's arm shot out in front of me.
"Don't move," she warned, carefully placing both of her legs out in front of her. "Bring your arm to your chest, slowly." She reached out and gently guided it to my chest.

"A-are you okay?" I asked, laying back on the floor.
"Dislocated both of my knees," I opened my mouth to react but Lucy continued speaking, "it's okay, don't panic. This has happened before. I'm fine."
"This has happened before?!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, I am that unlucky." Lucy sighed before rushed footsteps were heard.

Heartbeat - The 8th Member [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now