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~10th August 2014~

My alarm blared at a time too early for waking up and I groaned as it rudely disturbed my sleep.
"Eunnie, we have to get up." Jungkook whispered as I tried to attach myself to him. "Come on Eunnie, we're filming the first music video today. The first teaser is out tomorrow so we need to get it filmed quickly." He explained and the door creaked open.

"Come on babies." Jin told us while throwing the duvets off of us. I whined while reaching for Jungkook for the warmth but he got out of bed instead.
"Meanie." I mumbled before sitting up, yawning and stretching.
"You've got about fifteen minutes you two. I'm doing you both some toast for breakfast but you'll probably have to eat it in the van on the way to BigHit." Jin explained and made sure we both nodded before leaving the room.

I rolled out of the duvet and groaned as Jungkook collected his clothes.
"I'll go shower now quickly, you need to be ready by the time I get back in." He told me and I yawned out an 'okay' making him chuckle before heading to the bathroom.

When I finally got myself out of bed Jungkook had returned and hurried me straight into the bathroom, all while he was shirtless. I made sure to grab comfy and warm clothes since the stylists and makeup artists will sort us out later.

After my shower I lazily walked into the living room, brushing my hair tiredly.
"Morning Eun." Taehyung yawned once he'd spotted me, everyone else there then proceeding to greet me.
"Morning." I mumbled and Jin handed me two slices of toast.
"We're leaving soon, where's Jungkook-ah?" He asked.
"I'm here hyung." Jungkook smiled as he took the food from Jin, thanking him before taking a bite.
"Okay, where's Yoongi and Jimin?" Namjoon asked as he wandered through with an empty coffee cup.
"I think they're both still getting ready. Go find them please, Eunmi." Jin replied and I nodded before heading to Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok's room first.

I knocked on the door and it soon opened up to show Yoongi slipping a jacket on.
"Morning hyung, Jin hyung sent me to come and get you. There's some food in the kitchen." I smiled and he ruffled my hair before heading to the kitchen.

When the door to Taehyung, Jimin and Jin's room opened I was met with a shirtless Jimin. I held back from squeaking and just knew that my cheeks were reddening so I faked a cough, keeping my hand over my face.
"Morning hyung, Jin hyung sent me for you. He's done you some food in the kitchen." I bowed and turned away, hearing a slight chuckle from behind me.

Stupid, stupid crush.

Once everyone was in the kitchen, Jin handed out travel mugs with coffee in them before we headed out to the van.

~Time Skip~

We just got out of the van at BigHit and I'd say it's about three in the morning right now.

Having easily gotten into the eerily empty building, we headed to the dance practice room straight away.

Pd-Nim was stood in there waiting for us with the company's few cameramen, stylists and makeup artists.
"We're going to the filming site now and we'll probably be there for most of the day. If we somehow can't get it all filmed today we'll end up finishing it tomorrow, you will have to be up at the same time as today." Pd-Nim explained.
"Yes sir," Namjoon said in understanding and we all proceeded to bow at a right angle.

We soon got to the filming site and it's something that's abandoned and slightly creepy at this time.

~Lunch Time~

We've now filmed quite a lot of the scenes and it's now midday. Myself and Jungkook are slumped in chairs, getting some rest as others had their own shoots.

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