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I arrived back home and nobody was in the living room so I figured they were in the kitchen. Yep, they're all waiting for Jin to serve food.
"Hey back right in time Eunmi!!" Taehyung cheered, standing up to wrap his arms around me.
"Ay Tae hyung!" I cheered back and Jin came back with the food.
"Right kids, sit down and eat up. Savour it because someone told me not to use too much food." Jin said while eying me.

"What?" I asked as the eldest wouldn't look away. "We can't spend too much on food. What if one of us gets hurt and we need to pay for the hospital bills." I said.
"She's got a point Jin hyung." Jungkook agreed.
"And did I ask for your comment Jungkook?" Jin asked, pointing his chopsticks at Jungkook.
"Jungkookie and Jin hyung, just be thankful that Eunmi-ah is actually getting the money that allows us to eat." Jimin said and stopped the small bickering.
"Thank you Jimin-ah." Yoongi boredly thanked the boy.

We continued eating without any bickering then I received a text so I headed up onto my bed. I opened the message and smiled.

English Speaking Gang
Bambam - Ayyyyyyy
Mark - Who is in this chat?
Jackson - Meeeeee
Eunmi - Ayyyyyyy
Jackson - Eunmi, you speak English?
Eunmi - Yep
Mark - Cool. Will you be seeing our debut?
Eunmi - I don't know. I'll have to ask before all the award shows start. I might go in and ask tomorrow.

"Eunmi-ah, come through. Yoongi-ah wants to spend time with you." Hoseok said at the door.
"Ok Hoseok hyung." I replied.

Eunmi - Sorry guys, I gotta go. Yoongi hyung wants to see me.
Bambam - That's fine. Good luck in asking to see our debut.
Jackson - Bye Eunmi
Mark - See ya.

I placed my phone on my draw and walked into the living room where everyone is sat. Seeing Yoongi looking bored I quickly shuffled over and snuggled into him.
"Hey Eunmi-ah." He smiled as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.
"Hyungs, can we play truth or dare?" I asked and Jin put his phone down.
"Why not. Come on, phones away everyone." He said and they all put their phones on the table.

"Who's starting?" Jungkook asked.
"I will. Jin hyung, truth or dare?" I asked.
"Truth." Jin said.
"Who's your favourite member?" I asked with a smirk knowing that if he says one member the others will be whiney, well maybe not Yoongi.
"Ah you know that's impossible to answer. I love you all in your different ways." He answered and I pouted while giving him puppy eyes. "Oh fine then. Eunmi-ah is my favourite member." He started but before everyone started whining he continued, "favourite female member. Male is all of you." Jin finished.

"Right, Eunmi truth or dare?" Jin asked me.
"Dare." I said confidently.
"Call one of your friends from your phone and a random restaurant or store from Yoongi's phone. We stay silent and let them talk to each other in confusion." He said and I decided on Bambam and a Pizza Hut. I called Bambam from my phone and Pizza Hut from Yoongi's then waited for them both to answer.

"Hello?" Bambam asked.
"Hello and welcome to Pizza Hut. What can I get you?" A woman answered from the other phone.
"Uh sorry?" He asked.
"You called Pizza Hut. Do you want anything?" She asked.
"Oh sorry about that. I must've accidentally called you. Sorry for wasting your time." Bambam apologised and the lady hung up.

"Hey Eunmi." He said casually.
"What? How?" I asked.
"The caller ID said Eunmi. Who else would it be? Anyway, who's phone did you use for Pizza Hut?" He asked.
"Yoongi hyung's." I replied.
"Does that mean all of them are there?" He asked.
"Yes Bambam hyung." I said and he squealed a bit.
"Right I'm gonna get back to work. Say hi to your hyungs for me." He said.
"Bye Bambam hyung." I smiled and hung up.

Heartbeat - The 8th Member [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now