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The next morning I woke up in an unfamiliar place and position. Well that was until I felt the surface under my head inflate then deflate and noticed how close I was to it, therefore making me feel warm. When the memories of where I crashed last night came back to me I felt my face flush.

I slept on Jimin's bare chest.

My eyes searched in front of me in the hopes of finding a clock and when I spotted a digital one I saw that it was 4:35am. I wasn't even surprised that I woke up at this time since we've had to wake up earlier on more than one occasion. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, I let out a slight sigh and wrapped my arms around Jimin's body, once again forgetting how naked his upper body was.

"Can't sleep?" I heard a faint whisper and glanced up to see Jimin's eyes fluttering open.
"No, did I wake you? Sorry." I apologized before he even answered.
"Wait for an answer before apologizing," he chuckled quietly, gently running his fingers through my slightly knotted hair, "and no, you didn't wake me up. My sleep schedule is buggered." Jimin added on.
"Same." I mumbled and his arms came around me in a hug.

"You wanna go do something?" Jimin asked after a few seconds of silence.
"Do what exactly?" I tilted my head in confusion.
"I'll take that as a yes, come on." He whispered and pushed me off of him and the bed before standing up, a small amount of sunlight coming through the curtains and illuminating his chest.

I didn't ask to see his abs but thank you mother nature.

"Come on." Jimin urged and quietly dragged me out of the room and towards the bathroom. When he closed and locked the door he grabbed our toothbrushes and got them ready then handed me mine while beginning to brush his teeth.

All while brushing my teeth, I just stared at Jimin with my look easily screaming confusion.
"I wad pwanning on gwoing foh a walk." He spoke while brushing, his words coming out messed up, and I giggled, quickly earning myself a slap to the arm and a glare off of him.
"A walk? At, what time is it, quarter to five in the morning?" I questioned, managing to speak through the toothbrush unlike Jimin. He only nodded in return and I thought for a little bit before nodding, "why not," I shrugged and he smiled.

We soon left the bathroom and got dressed as quietly as possible in our respective rooms. I left Jungkook sleeping soundly, duvet randomly gathered in his arms as it's more off of him than covering. I let out a small chuckle before closing the door behind me and turning around to jump out of my skin, Jimin stood right behind me with a smile.
"Jesus, don't do that." I whispered, slapping his now covered up chest.
"Sorry," Jimin smiled sheepishly and I shook my head before dragging him to the entrance. "You ready? Got your mask?" He asked and I nodded before the two of us left the dorm, the cool morning breeze brushing past the two of us.

"So, where are we going?" I questioned once we'd began walking down the street.
"You wanna go to a 24/7 and get some ramen?" Jimin suggested and I nodded.

When we arrived at the store Jimin went to go buy and prepare our food while I took a seat at the table by the glass, looking out into the quiet streets around us.
"I got us spicy beef, is that okay?" Jimin asked and I nodded while snapping the chopsticks and beginning to dig into the food.

"Do we have to learn the dance to 'Danger' today?" I asked as I slurped up a bunch of noodles.
"Yeah, I guess we'll be practicing a lot. So make sure to stay hydrated and well fed." Jimin replied with a smile and a thought came to my mind.
"Is that one of the reasons we're here?" I asked, "also, you eat and drink plenty too. No crazy diets." I told him.
"Okay, no crazy diets, and maybe a slight part of coming here was to make sure you ate something." He replied and I chuckled.
"I love how kind you are, hyung." I said, leaning over to rest my head on his shoulder.
"And we all love how cute you are." Jimin cooed.

Heartbeat - The 8th Member [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now