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~The Next Day~

After waking up at about half eleven I headed to find Tony. Since we finally have a free day here in America, I would definitely like to have some me time.

"Tony?" I questioned as I wandered into his bedroom. Said person looked up from his phone and put it beside him on the bed.
"Hey Eunmi, what's up?" Tony asked me.
"Do you have a gym here?" I asked and he finally let his eyes drift over the sporty clothing I was wearing.
"Oh, so you wanna work out," he smiled then stood up, "come on, I'll take you there." Tony said and I followed him.

"The eight of you guys seem extremely close." Tony stated as we walked, "how did you end up becoming the only female in a group with seven males?" He asked.
"There weren't any girls at BigHit so Pd-Nim just decided to add me to the lineup. There is this girl group called Glam but I don't really like them. BTS is my family though so I wouldn't want to have it any other way." I shrugged and he nodded.
"It's cool to see how quickly you eight went from absolute strangers to family. I like that." Tony said and I smiled as we reached a door, "well this is the gym. If any of your members end up repeatedly asking for you I'll send them down. I know you're trying to get your you time so I'll try and distract them if they ask." Tony suggested and I chuckled.
"Thanks Tony." I smiled before slipping into the room.

~Time Skip~

It was most likely an hour and a half later when I was too busy beating up a punching bag to hear the door open or several pairs of footsteps enter the room.

"Eunmi-ah," I heard a certain golden maknae whine and sighed as I was finally interrupted. I'm surprised Tony managed to even distract them for a fraction of a second.

"Yes hyung?" I asked, turning to face the rest of the maknae line, as I pulled my hair into a loose ponytail.
"We want to go explore, and to do so we need someone who speaks English." Taehyung said.
"And why couldn't you have went to Namjoon hyung?" I asked with a head tilt, we could call one another by our names as we aren't being filmed.
"He's with Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung and Hoseokie hyung. I think they're discussing our next album." Jimin replied.
"Hm okay, let me get a shower real quick." I said as the four of us walked to the door.

"Don't girls take like, an hour to have a shower?" Jungkook asked and I chuckled.
"Stereotype." I pointed out, "I take a maximum of five minutes." I said.
"Five minutes? We're timing you." Taehyung said making me sigh.
"You three are so bored you're gonna time my shower." I shook my head with a laugh, "behave yourself hyungs. And no peeking." I winked at them before disappearing into the bathroom and locking the door.

I ended up finishing my shower after exactly four minutes and thirty seconds.

The reactions from the boys when I exited the room were amazing to say the least.

Now we're all wandering through the streets of LA, looking for something to do.

~30 Minutes Later~

"Okay, please explain to me how the hell we managed to get lost in LA?" I asked the three older males, a skeptical look in my eyes.
"Well one of these donnets forgot to bring a map." Jungkook gestured to the other two.
"Are you sure that wasn't you Kook-ah?" I asked, head tilted.

"Number one, I'm older than you. And two, I told Jimin hyung he was in charge of finding a map." He replied.
"Well if you don't recall, I told you to go and get Taehyung to get it because I was busy." Jimin crossed his arms in reply, glancing over at the mentioned boy.
"And I told him to go get it himself since I was going to notify Jin hyung of where exactly we were going." Taehyung replied and I turned to Jungkook, who quite visibly gulped at my glare.

Heartbeat - The 8th Member [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now