The Truth

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Wy'Aut POV

I had finally managed to calm down. With everything going on who knew exactly when I would have lose my control again. Mariah had went to the bathroom and got the first aid kit to patch my head up.

You do not have to do this you know. It's my fault that my head started bleeding. The blood running down my face and everything else is my fault.

"What do you mean?"

Everything that we have been through up to now is my fault. Us breaking up, is falling off before we could even build a future it's all been my fault.

*Mariah Paused before saying anything else. For a few seconds she was stuck in thought. After a minute had passed she finally broke the silence.*

"No it's not your fault, Atleast you're not only to blame. I wasn't being a good girlfriend to you. I wasn't being fair. I knew what was really going on in my life and I tried to make you accept it."

No that's not true. You can't blame yourself. It wouldn't be fair.

"Wy'Aut there's something else I have yet to tell you. I don't know how to say it but I feel right now is the best time to say it."

Hold that thought Mariah. I think I just heard a car coming into the driveway. Most likely it's Jacob. I didn't realize it was already after 3.

"Yeah time did move kind of fast today. So much happened in such short little time."

Yeah I know what you mean. Wait how do you think Jacob is going to react to seeing you here? Last time he checked we broke up. He doesn't even know about the call I received today, though it was lucky thing I was the one to answer it.

*Wy'Aut reaches at Mariah stomachs and touches it gently*

*Mariah blushes but her face has a look of sadness on it*

What's wrong? Are you nervous about Jacob? Or is it about finding out you're pregnant?

"It's a little of both honestly. Jacob for all I know hates me and now I'm here in his house with you. I'm sure he feels I've been nothing but pain to you."

No that's never the case. No matter how bad someone is Jacob is always forgiving. It's kind of scary just how forgiving he is but he's really understanding. He already knows how you make me feel. But I'm curious to see how reacts to finding out you're pregnant.

"That's another thing.."

Don't worry we'll get through this. If you aren't ready to tell him now then we can hold off on it. He'll find out eventually.

"It isn't that I don't want him to find out it's just.."

*keys make a jingle noise as they are inserted inside the door used to unlock it*

Jacob: Hey Wy'Aut sorry I'm here late I just met up with Shannon after school and..

"Good afternoon Jacob.."

Jacob: Mariah? Uh hey.

"Sorry for being short notice or even coming into your place without your approval but I just wanted to see Wy'Aut. I had something to tell him.."

Jacob: Oh I understand.. but I'm wondering, did you two make up or is it just a conversation to fix whatever you two been through.

"I'd say it's a little of both, but the little news I have yet yo say may come as an absolute shock. Honestly I don't know what reaction to expect."

Jacob: What do you mean?

Jacob.. Mariah is..

*Mariah Nods her head confirming Wy'Aut to tell Jacob*

Mariah is pregnant. Earlier today she called your house phone and said she wanted to talk to me before she realized it was actually I who answered. I met up with her at the hospital and we came here to talk in private. I know it's some big news but I'm actually kind of happy.

Jacob: Are you serious? How far along?

"I just found out I think day after yesterday. Well the stomach isn't noticeable so it's safe to say maybe a couple weeks."

*Jacob releases his breath*

Jacob: so how do you feel?

Do you mean Mariah or me? Because I still can't believe the news.

Jacob: dude I'm talking to Mariah. She's the pregnant one. Why would I worry about how you felt?

Ouch dude I thought you cared about me? Especially after what I've been through recently.

Jacob: Don't get me wrong bro I do but a female being pregnant while you are already on the road to recovery is a little more concerning. Wait did you tell Mariah about what happened?

Yup and I lost control. Atleast 3 times today I went out of my mind.  This bandage around my face is kind of proof.

Jacob: what do you mean? Wait did you cut yourself? *Jacob then notices a small dent in his front room wall with a little red line dripping down it* wait you head tut the wall? Are you going crazy bro?

It's not that I just keep thinking about my near death experience. Everytime I do I lose my composure. I almost drowned inside the bathroom while I took a shower.

Jacob: Wait what?

"Hold on, you didn't tell me that."

I was afraid I'd worry you. Besides I'm good now. I can't afford to stress you or the baby out.

Jacob: yeah that wouldn't be smart at all.

"Yeah I guess so.."

What's wrong? Are you still worrying about something? I understand being pregnant at a young age is a serious thing but we can do this. We become great parents. You don't have to worry about anything. I promise. I'll be here for you. From now straight til the baby is born. Even after the baby is here I'll always be around. I want to become a great father. I'm not ashamed of who my baby mother is or the fact that's she's young. There's no mistake we did what we did.

"Wy'Aut I think we should hold off on this conversation."

Jacob: why is that? Do you not want to have the kid?

Please Mariah reconsider an abortion we can do this.

"No that's not it.. not it at all."

So what's wrong?

"At the hospital after finding out I was pregnant the doctor ran some test. And it kills me to say this but Uncle Denzel is the father.

*the room went quiet*

End of chapter.

You know it's crazy I wanted to end this story around the time Wy'Aut almost died but here I am without writers plot adding yet another plot twist to the story. This just may indeed be another long story from me. Also I see all the love and support and I greatly appreciate it. Thanks to everyone reading voting and telling others about the story. I hope you guys are really enjoying it and stay to the very end.

Saturday July 3rd 2021

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