Torture room and Denzel's Karma

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Wy'Aut's POV

The clouds are becoming gray, the wind is picking up a little and the stench of rain is drawing near. Maybe a storm is about to happen. Why all of a sudden it looked as if the rain would become a problem?

Wy'Aut and Jacob had just left Jacob's crib and were on the block where Wy'Aut's car was. Wy'Aut opened the door and took his keys from the glove compartment.

"Lucky for us your car is still here and it looks like nobody even bothered it. That's surprising seeing as it's been here all this time and in this neighborhood."

Yeah it is a miracle but I'm happy I don't have to worry about buying parts or anything.

"Wait did you start it up? Let's make sure your battery is still running."

Wy'Aut starts the car up and to both of their surprise there seems to be nothing wrong at all with his car. It was just his luck and it gave him a sign of relief. With every thing going on the way they had lately his luck would only become more and more worse if his car wasn't in 1 piece.

Just as the two were about to drive off Jacob's phone began to ring. It was a call from Mariah.

"What the fuck does she want? Didn't we just tell her off?"

Who is that? Mariah?

"Yeah I don't know why she's calling me."

Think something happened?

"Maybe she just wants to apologize again."

Think that I should forgive her?

"I'm not going to sugarcoat it and say yeah because the only thing you can get from messing with her is pain. But I'm not the one to hold a grudge so.."

Jacob answers the phone and on the other line..

Denzel: Keep still you bitch.

Mariah: Please stop you're hurting me.

Mariah had somehow managed to call Jacob while being attacked. Lucky for her the boys answered the phone.

"Wtf? Mariah are you alright? Wy'Aut what the fuck do you think is going on?"

Let's Go!!

The two speed off heading in Mariah's house direction. They tried to keep the phone on without being noticed but Jacob's phone battery eventually died.


The came to a halt and in front of them stood Mariah's house. The grass not cut and windows battened down to keep anyone from seeing what was actually going on in the house. The front door was open but only slightly. This made it easier for the guys to get in the house unnoticed, or so they hoped.

The guys crept in the house trying to make as little noise possibly. As they came to a flight of stairs they could hear loud screams and arguing. Wy'Aut decided to walk up the stairs alone and he told Jacob to scan the house looking to see if anyone else were inside.

First Jacob crept to the kitchen and went into a draw where he saw some knives. As he picked up 1 for protection just in case a foot step behind him approached the kitchen. He turned around and saw a woman holding a pistol in her hand. Her hands were shaking with nervousness but she looked as if she would shoot if she had no other option. A silencer on the pistol. I guess it was to keep from making any unnecessary scenes or noises.

Melinda: who are you and why are you in my house?

"I'm the plumber.. you called about a bad leak?"

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