Coming up with a plan pt 3

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Wy'Aut smiled as he Quella agreed to help him out. He had now time to focus on a plan on how to deal with Jake. The small group sat in a room and talked for hours on making their plan. They would only leave the room for food or to use the bathroom.

"Okay So Wy'Aut, is there any chance that Jake is already know where to look for you?"

I doubt there's any way for him to figure it out other than going out in the open. I still don't think I should trust Mariah as of yet until I'm sure she's to be trusted.

Quella: I'm glad to see you like this. Normally you simp and avoid the realization of things but you understanding that not everyone needs to be trusted makes me happy.

I know I shouldn't trust everyone but I felt really comfortable with talking to you on helping us. Our past relationship had alot to do with that. I know you dislike Jake just as much as me.

Quella: if only you realized this from the very beginning.

"Okay you two love birds, when is the best time to put this plan into motion."

Im not ready to make a move as of yet but I don't wanna wait too late. Jake might not be the smartest person you'll ever meet but he can be clever when it comes to doing stuff he wants to do.

"That always makes me think. He fails classes and everything but if he plans something there's no way it will fail. That's what worries me though. Not knowing who Jake has making moves with him."

What about his hangout spot?

"What about it?"

Well if we can get someone to go there and see what he's up to maybe we can find the perfect time.

"Quella would be perfect."

He dislikes her just as much as she dislikes him. I wouldn't wanna put her in any kind of danger.

"I see.. we'll what about Mariah."

We don't know if we can trust her remember.

"What if we use her with our plan and get us to show her we trust her."

But wouldn't letting her know that we don't trust her weaken the chance of getting her to do anything for us?

"We don't let her know. Just ask her to do us a huge favor, let her do it and if she's against it or does anything funny we know. It may put our plan at risk but it will make it easier to know who side she's on."

Okay.. I'll call her.

"Wait what are you going to tell her?"

I'll invite her over and we can talk to her from there.

"Let me call just Incase."

Okay sure.

Jacob calls Mariah and when she answers the phone he invites her over to his place. He tells her that Wy'Aut has something he wants to talk about and she agrees to come. An half an hour later she reaches and she walks into Jacob's place.

Mariah: Hey guys so what's up?

Mariah I know this is coming from out of the blue but I need a huge favor?

Mariah: how can I say no to the person that helped me to get rid of the people that were hurting me the most. Sure what's the favor?

Can you go to a bar for me?

Mariah: a bar? Are you forgetting I'm a minor? I might can get inside but the chances of me getting served his little.

"Shouldn't makeup help with that? I've seen a lot of younger girls get into clubs while on wearing makeup to enhance their facial appearance."

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