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Narrator: Guys, have you ever found yourself talking to a female you had no businesses talking to? No not a female that has high quality standards or one who's father is in the military. More like underaged. Today we are going to focus on Mariah, the 14 year old.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Strong sexual content

*Wy'Aut and Jacob are driving to school when they see Mariah*

"Woah man is that Mariah?"

Who is Mariah, Jacob?

"You mean to tell me she lives right out of your corner and goes to our school and you don't know who Mariah is?"

Mariah Delancey?

"No fool, Mariah Brown. She's from the junior side of the school"

Wait she's a junior? That figures why I don know who she is. Age gotta be off the clock bro.

"She's 14. Besides just look at her body. She's a lil girl in a woman's body."

Okay? *Looks at Mariah*

Narrator: There she was. Though I couldn't see much being inside of the car I did notice that she was short and had long hair. She's really beautiful and her body was way older than her age.

*Jacob drives and pulls up next to Mariah*

"Hey Mariah"

'hey Jacob what's good?'

"Just on the way to school you need a ride?"

'uh sure why not thanks.'

"Hey it's no problem at Al"

*Mariah gets into the car*

"Hey Mariah this is my best friend Wy'Aut. But you could call him Wy."

'lol that is so cool. Hey Wy I'm Mariah nice to meet you.'

Oh hey.

'ive seen you around before'

That's cool. Honestly this is my first time seeing you around.

'Wait are you kidding? You always pass my house to go to Ma's shop. I see you almost every day.'

Oh really. Im sorry that I never noticed you before.

'No it's okay. To be honest I would prefer to not be noticed so much.'

Huh why is that?

"Yeah why Mariah?"

'Well I don't know if you noticed yet but my body is kind of ... Over plumped. I catch every guys attention and it's honestly not on purpose. Even the janitor is watch me.'

"No way you get eye downed from Mr Wilokiss."

Jacob, chill.

"I'm sorry Mariah but that is funny"

'it is okay. Besides at least Wy doesn't notice me. That means he'd probably see me for myself. I mean if he ever notices me again.'

Are you kidding Mariah? I've only know you for a couple of minutes and I feel like I've known you for a while. I'll remember you after today for sure.

'Aww that's so sweet.'

*Mariah leans over from the backseat and kisses Wy'Aut on the cheek*

"Hey don't I get one?"

'sounds like Jacob is jealous. I can't though. I think I see myself liking Wy'Aut.'

*Jacob looks at Wy'Aut with a little bit of jealousy*

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