Party invite

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Narrator: She walked the halls with a smile on her face as she passed by my locker with her two best friends Shannon and Shaneka. As she passed by, she ran her hand through her hair and made a stop by a locker that was two lockers down from mines. That was when I decided to make my move.

Jacob I'm going to make my move.

"Oh boy when are you going to learn dawg. She's not worth it. It's better for you to focus on yourself. Besides she's with Jake now."

All the better to keep trying.

"Wait did you even hear a word that I said... Oh nevermind. Do you bro."

I ran off from by Jacob without a second thought.

Hey Jenna..

"Oh hey Wy"

How was your weekend? I asked.

"Ehh listen Wy I understand you still have feelings for me and whatever and that's sweet but I'm with Jake now and he would hate it to see me talking to an ex so it would be better if we end this conversation now before it can build up okay?"

*Jenna starts to walk off*

Wish you was loyal to me as you are to him..

"Excuse me?"

You heard me. Why are you loyal for him but wasn't to me.

*Jenna walks up to Wy and slaps him*

*Jacob starts shouting at Wy*

"Dude did you hear me?"

Huh what uh sorry I was just day dreaming. What did you say bro?

"Dude you're losing yourself. And what I said was it would be better to just ignore Jenna. Don't worry about her and don't talk to her."

Oh right right. Yeah sure cool. I'll uh, I'll ignore Jenna.

*Jacob taps Wy's Shoulder*

"It's for the best. Now come on let's get to class before the bell goes off so we can get a good seat".

I look at Jenna one last time before heading to class. She was looking into the mirror that was inside of her locker, completely unaware that I had been watching her from a distance.

*Bell rings and teacher starts discussing today's assignment with the class*

I look out the window down below to a physical education class. It was Jenna's first class on a Monday morning. I see her and the other girls from her class as they run their laps.

I continued to watch her as the girls finished their laps. Jenna went to her Gatorade bottle she had rest down before running and started to take a sip. At the same time she looked up towards my classroom where I was sitting and our eyes met. She then quickly turned her head. But I continued to look down at her.

"Mr. Sanchez?"

Uh what?

*Class begins laughing all together*

"I asked, what is it called when a sentence goes on to another sentence without adding a period."

Oh uh a run on sentence Mr Wilson.

"That's correct. Perhaps you are focused and not just looking out the window and drooling like a horny teenager."

*Class laughs again*

I'm sorry Mr. Wilson I won't get distracted again.

"You're lucky you got the question right when I asked so I'll give you a pass for now. But you being my best student you have to continue to focus."

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