Chapter 90 - Ready or Not Here It Comes

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It's a short walk through the tree lined path before we step into the clearing that makes up the Melleiro tribal village. Thatched huts and primal looking structures constructed out of bamboo and palm fronds flank the open space. All built around a central pit, where a massive fire was being built.

All eyes instantly flock to me, as I follow closely behind Sabra. The tribe members stare so intently. A look of pure curiosity on their faces as they drink me in. They're not what I was expecting. Not in the least. The men and women of the tribe all look like average people I might see anywhere on the island. Wearing contemporary clothes of colorful dresses, shorts, and tank tops. The only tell-tale sign that any of them might be members of a native tribe are the beaded necklaces and bracelets that they wear stacked around their necks and wrists.

Sabra leads me into one of the thatched dwellings and instructs me to sit down. It is a very primitive hut with nothing but a few hammocks and a large table set in the middle of the space. My eyes narrow in at the center of the hut and what is sitting on top of the wooden table.

A bow and arrow and nothing else. If the tribes people didn't look so ordinary, and weren't acting so normal, I might have been scared upon seeing the weapon. But I feel at peace. But then again, maybe that's the hacchie tea I was given?

Sabra begins to explain what is going to happen.

"A fire will be lit in the center of the tribe," Sabra explained. "As the flames grows up past the treetops and the forest canopy, making its way to the sky and then the sea. It will travel to the island of Mennakena and find its way to the Mooreya people. Through the smoke and ash and words we recite in perfect dictation, they will be informed that you are coming. Coming to their island. Coming to their home. They will know through this ceremony that you are friend and not foe. They will protect you and keep you out of harm's way."

Okay, this doesn't seem so bad, I think to myself.

"Once the fire is large and the flames deemed high enough, then it will be time," Sabra says.

"Time for what?" I ask.

"The rest of the Avylana ritual. It is now when we will need to penetrate your body with the serum, which will serve as a barrier. Keeping you safe from ever catalysting if you happen to get caught gazing into a Merrin's eyes. It is imperative that the serum mix with your blood."

My eyes grow wide. I feel my knees begin to buckle. I don't like this. I don't like any part of this.

Sabra walks to the center of the hut. "That's what this is for," she says, lifting the bow and arrow.

"You're kidding, right? Doesn't that seem a bit extreme? Can't you just prick my skin with a small blade?"

"It won't work, the serum needs to be activated by the wind," she says.

"Can't we drive with the window down and hold the serum and then stick me with a needle?" I ask desperately.

"We don't have the time. It needs to be done now. Every minute we spend talking, the serum is losing its potency. Are you ready Mila?"

Was I ready?

Ready to be pierced with a magical arrow?

Ready to embark on an incredible adventure to a legendary island?

Was I ready to possibly die in order to save my mom?

In that moment, everything came into perspective. I am doing all of this for her. For my mom. I have to be brave. I have to be brave for her.

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